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词汇 杰夫
例句 It was an interesting idea. Jeff turned it over in his mind on the way to work.这主意很妙,杰夫在上班路上仔细地考虑起来。Jeff was in a temper this morning, so I left the house as early as possible.杰夫今早心情不好,所以我尽早离开了家。My disagreement with Geoff reflects our differing views on this issue.我与杰夫的分歧表明我们在这个问题上的观点不同。Geoff was too much of an individualist to be team captain.杰夫过于我行我素了,没法当队长。Jeff has permanent residence in Canada, but is still a US citizen.杰夫有加拿大的永久居留权,但仍然是美国公民。Then Jeff's head popped up right beside the boat.这时,杰夫的头突然从船侧冒出来。Apparently, Jeff has a new woman.显然杰夫又有女人了。Geoff steamed in ten minutes late.杰夫快速走了进来,迟到了十分钟。Geoff looked uneasy and awkward.杰夫看上去紧张不安。Geoff didn't study law. Instead, he decided to become an actor.杰夫没学法律,相反,他决定当演员。Jeff made a beeline for a table where two pretty Russian girls were sitting.杰夫直奔向那张坐了两位漂亮的俄罗斯姑娘的桌子。Don't ask Geoff – he's useless!不要问杰夫,他帮不了忙!I could see the jealousy and hatred in Jeff's eyes.我在杰夫的眼睛里看到了嫉妒和仇恨的目光。Geoff lay dozing gently in a sunlounger.杰夫躺在折叠式日光椅里轻轻地打着嗑睡。Geoff had been unfaithful to her on many occasions.杰夫多次对她不忠。Geoff landed me in it by saying I should have checked that the door was locked.杰夫说我本该检查一下门是否锁好,这使我惹上了麻烦。Jeff spoke with a slight stammer.杰夫说话有点结巴。Jeffs had downed titleholder Ian Taylor in the quarter-final.杰夫斯在四分之一决赛中击败了卫冕冠军伊恩·泰勒。By the way, Jeff called this afternoon and he wants you to call him back.顺便说一句,杰夫今天下午来过电话,他要你给他回电话。Geoff wants a Walkman for when he walks the dogs.杰夫想要一部随身听在遛狗的时候听。This year's team, coached by Jeff Jackson, consisted entirely of college players.今年由杰夫·杰克逊执教的球队完全由大学生球员组成。Geoff's always been well up on the Internet.杰夫对因特网一直都很熟悉。I think Jeff lives somewhere near here.我想杰夫住在这里附近的什么地方。Geoff really is a man after my own heart.杰夫真是个与我情投意合的男人。Her dark eyes fastened on Jeff.她的黑眼睛紧盯着杰夫Who's that standing beside Jeff?站在杰夫旁边的人是谁?I don't think it's the right time to tell Jeff.我认为现在还不是告诉杰夫的适当时候。Jeff cooked us a delicious meal last night.杰夫昨晚为我们做了顿很可口的饭。Geoff seemed indisposed to chat.杰夫似乎不愿意聊天。Jeff and Paula have two children, but they're not actually married.杰夫和葆拉有两个孩子,但他俩事实上没有结婚。Geoff has launched himself into fatherhood with great enthusiasm.杰夫满怀热情地做起了父亲。Geoff had got the wrong end of the stick, and thought I was angry with him.杰夫完全误解了,他以为我生他的气了。Jeff grinned evilly as he picked up the phone.杰夫拿起电话时狞笑了一下。Jeff was distressed to see the lambs they had reared go off to the abattoir.看到他们养的羔羊被送往屠宰场,杰夫十分难过。Jeff's loaned us his car for the weekend.杰夫把车借给我们周末使用。Geoff Cooke's recent remark that no one is indispensable will certainly not have escaped him.杰夫·库克近来关于没有什么人是不可缺少的那番话当然也包括他。The plane flew so low that Geoff swears he saw one wing touch the top of a tree.飞机飞得那么低,杰夫发誓说他看到一个机翼擦到树梢了。Jeff didn't seem to like the sound of their plan.杰夫似乎不喜欢他们的计划。Jeff pushed open the front door, which set off the alarm.杰夫推开前门,触发了警报系统。Jeff looked thunderstruck when he saw me.杰夫见到我时惊得目瞪口呆。




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