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词汇 杯赛
例句 They were the first Turkish team to win a major cup competition.他们是在重大杯赛中获胜的第一支土耳其球队。Manchester United will meet Blackburn Rovers in the sixth round of the Cup.曼联队将在杯赛的第六轮迎战布莱克本流浪者队。He finished third in the Tote Gold Trophy.他在托特金杯赛中获得季军。Mr Ellis was selected to officiate at a cup game between Grimsby and Rotherham.埃利斯先生获选执法格里姆斯比队与罗瑟汉姆队的一场杯赛His teams have always prospered in cup competitions.他的球队在杯赛中总是成绩不俗。He's among the qualifiers for the Lancome Trophy at Paris.他是巴黎兰寇杯赛的入围者之一。Rovers' defence will need to be watertight in their Carling Cup clash with Watford.巡游者队在卡林杯赛上遭遇沃特福德队时防守必须滴水不漏。European teams were granted a bye into the third round of the Cup.欧洲各队在杯赛第三轮轮空。They won only one more game subsequent to their Cup semi-final win last year.继去年在杯赛半决赛中获胜后,他们仅又赢过一场比赛。They weren't the best side in the European Cup, but they possessed the will to win.他们算不上是欧洲杯赛中最强的队伍,但他们有取胜的决心。The two teams clashed in the third round of the cup.两支队伍在此次杯赛的第三轮比赛中交锋。The first round of the cup was decided over two legs.杯赛的首轮以两场分胜负。The Ryder Cup is the big golfing event this month.赖德杯赛是本月的高尔夫重大赛事。Liverpool are favourites to win the Cup.利物浦队是杯赛的夺冠热门。Thousands of supporters have travelled to London for the cup final.成千上万的球迷来到伦敦观看杯赛的决赛。Arsenal meet Liverpool in the next round of the Cup.阿森纳队在总杯赛下一回合对阵利物浦队。The team has fought its way to the cup final.这支队伍一路拼杀闯进了杯赛的决赛。




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