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We need more shelving to finish the bookcase.我们需要更多的材料来做好这个书架。You act as a decoy and we'll sneak out the back.你来做诱饵,我们从后面溜出去。He resigned as chairman, but stayed on as an instructor.他辞去了主席一职,但留下来做指导。With hindsight, we'd have done it differently.事过之后我们才明白,应该换种方式来做。Our purpose is not to do it for you but to teach you to do it by yourself.我们的目的不是替你做这事,而是教会你自己来做。We'll try doing it your way first.我们会首先尝试按你的方法来做这事。It's time he stood aside and let a more qualified person do the job.他该让位了,让更称职的人来做这份工作。Retirement gave him the time to pursue his hobbies.退休以后他有充裕的时间来做自己喜爱的事。We encourage students to multiply and divide without using a calculator.我们鼓励学生不用计算器来做乘除运算。Let's try an experiment – we'll only use the Internet at weekends.我们来做一个尝试,只在周末使用因特网。He offered to do the job for a few coppers.他说他来做这份工作,给他几个铜板就行。She got out the cooking things to bake some cookies.她把烘焙用具拿出来做烤曲奇饼。The restaurant is getting back to basics in terms of food, using fresh ingredients to make simple, good food.这家餐厅在食材方面返璞归真,使用新鲜配料来做简单、美味的食品。Cook the soup pasta separately as the starch in it can sometimes cloud the liquid.请分开来做意大利面汤,因为其中的淀粉有时会使汤变浑。If you want the dish to turn out right you should follow the recipe.想让菜肴好吃你就得照着食谱来做。Don't ask Terry to do it - she'll probably just mess it up.别叫特丽来做—她一定会把它搞得一团糟的。The job cries out for someone who's not afraid to take chances.这份工作需要敢于冒险的人来做。Doesn't it piss you off the way your husband sits in front of the TV every night while you cook dinner?这样你不气恼吗,每天晚上都是你丈夫坐着看电视,你来做晚饭?In 99 cases out of a hundred this will be done more effectively by the army.这件事让军队来做十之八九会更有效。His contract will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own projects.他的合同即将到期,那之后他就可以腾出时间来做自己的项目了。The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps.如果将这个任务细分为简单易行的若干步骤来做,便不会感到如此无所适从。I hate doing housework so I pay someone to do it for me.我讨厌做家务,所以花钱雇人来做。The mayor hired a private contractor rather than using city workers to do the job.市长雇了私人承包商而不是市政员工来做这项工作。He got pulled over on the way home and had to take a breath test.他在回家的路上被拦下来做呼气测醉试验。The smart executive has people he can trust doing all the real work.这个精明的主管所有重要的工作都有信得过的人来做。In order for me to spend three months on something it has to interest me personally.要想让我花三个月的时间来做什么事,那必须是我自己感兴趣的事。This type of plant is often used as a decorative accent.这种植物通常用来做装饰。Children can use the magnet to perform many simple experiments.儿童可以用磁铁来做许多简单的实验。We will hire the person who is best/most suited to the job.我们将聘用最合适的人来做这份工作。We aren't very practical so we usually hire someone to do the major repairs.我们的动手能力都不强,所以通常聘请人来做重要的修理工作。We need a quick-thinking, cool-headed person for the job.我们需要一个思路敏捷、头脑冷静的人来做这份工作。The Prime Minister said his preference was for the private sector to conduct the rollout.首相说他更希望由私营部门来做这次公开展示。He had administrators under him but took the crucial decisions himself.他手下有管理人员,但重要的决策仍由他自己来做。We've spent a lot of money on advertising and we're beginning to see the results.我们已经花了很多钱来做广告,我们的付出现在开始见成效了。Buy cheap carcasses for your kitchen units.购买廉价的框架来做厨房橱柜。Scotty stayed behind to fix lunch.斯科蒂留下来做午饭。You're late! Hurry up and get your books out and get on with your work.你迟到了!赶快拿出书来做功课。We'll do it on our own terms.我们将根据自己的主张来做。It's not clear by any means where the money is going to come from to fund this project.从哪里去弄钱来做这个项目,一点眉目也没有。Let's find a more sensible way of doing it.让我们找一个更明智的方法来做这件事。 |