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词汇 coming up
例句 I was about to leave when I noticed someone coming up the driveway.我正要出门,发现车道上有人走过来。The sun was coming up and you could just see the tops of the mountains.太阳冉冉升起,正好可以看到山顶。There is a sharp/gentle curve coming up in the road.前面的路是一处很急/平缓的弯道。The midterm exams are coming up.期中考试临近了。It must be coming up for dinnertime.一定是晚餐时间到了。With Christmas coming up, few people have much money to spare.随着圣诞节的临近,很少有人有多余的钱了。My parents are coming up to visit me this weekend.我父母这个周末要来北方看我。Mum, come quick! There's a strange man coming up the path.妈,快来!有个陌生人朝这条路走过来了。There's Angela now, coming up the drive.安吉拉在那儿,正沿着车道走来。I didn't want to make things worse by coming up with half-baked notions.我不想提出一些不成熟的见解而把事情搞得更糟。Carmela heard the purr of a motorcycle coming up the drive.卡梅拉听到摩托车隆隆地开上了车道。Do you have a knack for coming up with ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you.你有什么能想出好点子的诀窍吗?如果有,我们很愿意收到你的来信。I can't afford to sit back with the tournament coming up.大赛在即,我可不能坐着不动。Richard was coming up the pathway.理查德正沿着小路走来。He deserves a medal for coming up with a solution so quickly. 他这么快就想出了解决方法,应授予奖章。There was Brian, coming up the road.布赖恩正沿着马路过来。Are you good at coming up with ideas? If so, we would love to hear from you.你是否擅长创意构思?如果是,我们将很乐意收到你的来信。Plan your activities so that you are rested and refreshed when something important is coming up.做好日常规划,这样一旦发生大事,才能够从容不迫。Some people are always coming up to perfect strangers and asking them what they do.有些人总爱和完全不认识的人搭讪,询问人家的职业。We do have elections coming up.我们的确将要进行选举。He's always coming up with these dumb schemes for making money that just land us in trouble.他总是想出这些愚蠢的、只会给我们带来麻烦的发财点子。I saw a car coming up the road.我看见一辆汽车沿着这条路开来。My mother's coming up from England for the weekend.我母亲从英格兰来这里过周末。We've got a busy period coming up in a couple of weeks.两三周以后我们将大忙一阵子。He repassed the street when he saw the policeman coming up.当他看到警察走来时他又穿过大街折回。With Christmas coming up, we didn't have much spare money.圣诞节即将来临,我们没有很多闲钱。We're coming up to a bumpy bit - you'd better hold on!前面一段路凹凸不平—大家最好抓紧!He left the party seconds before smoke was spotted coming up the stairs.他离开聚会后不一会儿,就有人发现烟雾顺着楼梯冒上来了。She has a reputation for coming up with weird and wonderful marketing ideas.她以提出新奇的营销创意而著称。It's just coming up to 11 o'clock.就快到十一点了。Her contract is coming up for renewal in the spring.她的合同春天就应该续签了。Christmas is coming up soon.圣诞节很快就要来到。The real plum of substantial foreign exchange earnings depends on everything coming up trumps.要把巨额外汇真正拿到手有赖于事事都顺畅如意。A snowstorm is coming up hand over fist.一场暴风雪汹汹然行将来临。I'm coming up on Friday so I'll see you then.我星期五过来,到时候我来看你。I hate to trouble you, but Aunt Lina's birthday is coming up and I would like to buy something nice for her.我真不愿打扰您,但莉娜阿姨的生日就要到了,我想给她买点好东西。There was a foul smell coming up from the river.河里飘来一股臭味。She tried to scowl, but however hard she schooled her features her mouth kept on coming up into a twisted little grin instead.她试图发怒,但不管她如何努力控制自己的五官,嘴角还是不断挤出扭曲的微笑。Youngsters coming up to university were being called up.快上大学的青年人受到征召。His case is coming up for retrial.他的案子快要复审了。




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