例句 |
The doctor said James's heart had now developed a murmur.医生说詹姆斯的心脏现在出现了杂音。The recording had a lot of background noise.这段录音有大量的杂音In the background was that eternal hum.背景的杂音是那种没完没了的嗡嗡声。There was so much static on the radio we couldn't hear the broadcast.收音机中的杂音太多,我们都听不到广播了。The tune is lost in a clutter of noise.乐曲淹没在乱七八糟的杂音中。The doctor said James had now developed a heart murmur.医生说詹姆斯的心脏有杂音。There was a strange whistling noise in his ears.他耳朵里有奇怪的杂音。 |