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词汇 杀人犯
例句 Police have warned the public that the killer may still be prowling the streets.警察已经警告公众,那个杀人犯可能还在街上徘徊。Some people are demanding the return of capital punishment for murder.有些人要求对杀人犯恢复死刑。Murderers should be locked up for life.杀人犯应该被终身监禁。The murderer will be put on trial.杀人犯将受到审判。The murderer was sentenced to the gallows.杀人犯被判处绞刑。The killer was declared criminally insane.这名杀人犯被判定为精神失常犯罪。The idea of the game is to discover the murderer.这个游戏的目的是找出杀人犯The police immediately launched a nationwide search for the killer.警方立即在全国范围内展开了对杀人犯的搜捕。A simple detail would trip up the murderer.一个简单的细节可以使杀人犯泄漏真情。Relatives of the victim hissed as the killer was led from the courtroom.杀人犯被带出法庭时,受害者的亲戚发出嘘声。I felt like a murderer.我感觉自己像个杀人犯The murderer was apparently very disturbed.杀人犯显然心理不正常。He felt like a homicide as he raised the gun and pulled the trigger.他举枪扣动扳机时,感觉自己像个杀人犯The police are hunting for a killer.警方正在追捕一名杀人犯They included hard-core criminals, murderers and sexual deviants.他们中有顽固不化的罪犯、杀人犯和性变态者。Murderers and drug dealers are the dregs of society.杀人犯和毒品贩子都是社会的渣滓。The murderer paid with his life.杀人犯以命抵罪。There's a killer at large.有个杀人犯尚未捕获。The convicted murderer escaped from a high-security prison.那个被定罪的杀人犯从一所警戒森严的监狱里逃了出去。It was given forth that the murderer had killed himself.据报道,杀人犯已自杀。The killer was hunted down with help from his relatives.在其亲属的帮助下,那个杀人犯被抓捕归案。Careful police work led to the murderer's capture.细致严谨的侦破工作使杀人犯得以落网。There's a cutthroat at large.有个杀人犯尚未捕获。The escaped murderer is still at large.逃逸的杀人犯仍逍遥法外。Angry protesters wanted to inflict vengeance on the killer.愤怒的抗议者想要对杀人犯进行报复。He's one of those old-fashioned types who thinks criminals ought to be strung up.他是那种老式思维的人,认为杀人犯都应该被绞死。Police have called in an expert to construct a psychological profile of the murderer.警方请来一名专家对该杀人犯进行心理特征分析。Police believe the killer was a gang member settling a score with a rival gang.警方认为,杀人犯是一团伙成员,当时正和敌对团伙算旧账。The judge sentenced the murderer to the gallows.法官判杀人犯处以绞刑。The killer was able to elude the police.杀人犯得以避开警方追捕。The police found the murderer out.警方搜寻到了杀人犯The murderer served 10 years at the penitentiary in Stillwater.杀人犯在位于斯蒂尔沃特的大监狱服刑十年。The police are on the track of the killer.警方正在追踪该杀人犯The killer was put to death in the electric chair.杀人犯被送上电椅处死。He might be a murderer, for all we know.即使他可能是个杀人犯,我们也不知道。The campaign says that hunters are the moral equivalent of murderers.这一运动宣称,在道德层面上捕猎者等同于杀人犯The convicted murderer and rapist is scheduled to be executed next Friday.那名被判有罪的强奸杀人犯定在下周五处决。The killer has eluded capture.杀人犯躲开了抓捕。A convicted murderer was on the run last night after escaping from Lewes prison.一名已定罪的杀人犯昨晚从刘易斯监狱逃脱后仍在躲避追捕。The psychiatrists declared the killer insane.心理医生宣称杀人犯有精神病。




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