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He seemed very streetwise for a kid who had just left school.对一个刚离开学校的孩子来说,他似乎很机警老练。He was as mentally alert as a man half his age.他像年龄小他一半的人一样机警。To be free in New York, however, requires street smarts, the cunning of the survivor.然而,想要在纽约活得自在就得有适应城市环境的巧妙生活能力,也就是说,需要有死里逃生者那样的机警性。Supervisors are trained to be observant.主管被训练得敏锐机警。She owes her life to an alert farmer, who spotted her car in a ditch and called the emergency services.多亏一个机警的农民发现她的车翻在沟里,打电话给紧急应变机构,她这才保住性命。Zachar is a streetwise guy from New York, a gambler who grew up playing the horses at Belmont Park.佐恰尔是个从纽约来的机警的家伙,是个在贝尔蒙特赛马场里赌马长大的赌徒。An alert guard stopped the robbers.机警的门卫拦住了劫匪。 |