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词汇 comfortably
例句 We could live fairly comfortably on Edward's salary.我们靠爱德华的薪水可以过得相当宽裕。He settled himself more comfortably in his chair.他让自己在椅子上坐得更舒服些。He was comfortably ahead of his class in mathematics.他的数学稳得全班第一。That attitude doesn't sit comfortably with me.我不喜欢那种态度。They don't have a lot of money, but they live comfortably.他们没有很多钱,不过日子过得很舒服。He seated himself comfortably at the foot of the bed.他舒服地坐在床尾。Take a comfortably wide stance and flex your knees a little.双腿适度分开站立,双膝稍稍弯曲。I lived modestly but comfortably.我过得简单舒适。He reclined his seat so that he could nap more comfortably.他把座位调得往后仰起,这样打盹儿更舒服。When the children were small we never had much money, but now we seem to be comfortably off.孩子们还小的时候我们一直没什么钱,但现在好像宽裕起来了。He settled comfortably in an armchair and lighted up.他在扶手椅上舒舒服服坐好,点烟吸了起来。Wood was now comfortably enfolded in a woolly dressing-gown.伍德正舒服地穿着件羊毛晨衣。He was sitting comfortably in an armchair by the window.他惬意地坐在靠窗的扶手椅里。The tent sleeps four comfortably.这顶帐篷足以容纳下四个人。Her head was resting comfortably against his chest.她的头舒服地靠在他胸前。We jog along comfortably together.我们在一起相处得舒心、融洽。His rooms were comfortably furnished.他的房间家具都很舒适。Williams won very comfortably, no messing.威廉斯赢得很轻松,毫不费力。Our team was comfortably/easily/soundly beaten in the first round of the competition.在第一轮比赛中我们队被对手轻松地/毫不费劲儿地/彻底打败了。He had no plans to retire even though he is now very comfortably off.尽管现在很宽裕,他却没打算退休。Three of the six have comfortably exceeded their normal life expectancy.六个人中有三个大大地超过了其预期寿命。This car will hold five people comfortably.这辆汽车能舒舒服服地装下五个人。The family was already comfortably ensconced in an old house with a big garden.这家人已经在一所带大花园的老房子里舒舒服服地安顿下来。He is resting comfortably after his ordeal.磨难过后,他正舒服地睡觉。I put a pillow on the saddle so that I could ride comfortably.我在鞍上放了一个枕头,这样骑马时可以舒服些。The drawer goes in and out comfortably.这抽屉开启自如。The nighttime air was comfortably cool.夜晚的空气清新宜人。The suit fits comfortably.这套西装很合身。Is everyone seated comfortably?大家都坐好了吗?She ensconced herself comfortably before the blazing hearth.她舒适地安坐在炉火融融的壁炉前。He's very comfortably off.他生活相当宽裕安逸。He was comfortably seated in a soft reclining chair.他舒舒服服地坐在柔软的躺椅上。The river was too wide to swim across comfortably.这条河太宽了,很难轻松地游过去。This mattress gives comfortably.这床垫富有弹性,很舒服。Adults are not flexible, so they do not transplant comfortably to another place.成年人适应性差,所以移居别处会感到不舒服。They talked comfortably of their plans.他们畅谈了各自的计划。Adults are not flexible; they do not transplant comfortably to another place.成年人适应性不强;他们移居异地会感到不舒服。They'll have enough money to live comfortably.他们会有足够的钱过舒适的生活。Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.你们坐好了吗?那我就开始了。Liz settled back in her seat, comfortably relaxed, enjoying being driven for a change.莉兹舒服放松地倚在座位上,享受着换别人开车的惬意。




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