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词汇 语气
例句 The tone of her voice told him he was wasting his breath.她的语气使他明白他是在白费口舌。Don't you take that tone with me.不要用那种语气和我说话。She soon changed her tune when she found out how much it would cost.当她知道要花多少钱之后,语气立刻就变了。I learned to temper my criticism.我学会了批评别人时语气要缓和些。There was mild reproach in his tone.他的语气中带有一丝责备。I can't stand that familiar tone he uses when he talks to young women.我受不了他和年轻女人说话时那种太随便的语气The speaker's tone was slightly sarcastic.说话人的语气略带嘲讽。His tone sweetened dramatically, once he'd identified his interlocutor.他一认出说话的对象,语气就变得轻松愉快多了。She tried to sound playful but somehow the words came out the wrong way.她想用开玩笑的语气说,可不知怎地话说出来就不对劲了。I told him to get lost and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我让他滚开,他的语气马上从谄媚变成了勃然大怒。He read most of the speech in an even tone.他以平稳的语气念了大部分台词。I detected a whiff of sarcasm in her voice.我察觉出她的语气中带有些许讽刺意味。He could hear the sincerity in her voice.他听得出她语气很真诚。The Senator spoke of the drama of the situation in tones reminiscent of an evangelical preacher.参议员讲起这一戏剧性的场面,语气让人想起一名福音传教士。There was something a little too carefully casual in his tone.他的语气里有一点儿故作随意的味道。Even to himself the geniality rang false and he came to a stop.这种亲切的语气他自己听来都显得虚伪,于是他停了下来。She tried to sound breezy on the phone.她尽量使自己的语气在电话里听起来轻松愉快。When she spoke her tone was acid.她说话时,语气尖酸刻薄。Her tone of voice was curt.她的语气很唐突。Stefano's grip tightened and his tone became colder.斯特凡诺的手抓得更紧了,语气也更冷了。There was a barely veiled hostility in her tone.语气中带着几乎未加掩饰的敌意。She spoke with desperate earnestness.她的语气极为认真。A note of formality in his voice alerted her to the fact that others were listening.语气中的一丝拘谨提醒了她有别人在听他们的谈话。It's that patronizing tone of hers that I can't bear.我受不了的正是她那屈尊俯就的语气He was surprised by the venomous tone of the anonymous calls.那些匿名电话的恶毒语气很令他吃惊。There is a decisive ring in her liquid voice.她嗓音宛转悦耳,语气却决断有力。There was a hint of rebuke in his voice.他话里有一种谴责的语气She spoke to us in a patronizing tone.她以一种高人一等的语气跟我们说话。When writing to business correspondents, use a formal tone.给商务伙伴写信要用正式语气I was disconcerted by her tone of voice.她的语气使我感到不安。Bush thumped the podium to emphasize every word.布什举起拳头敲击讲台,以此来加强每一个字的语气There is an unmistakable note of nostalgia in his voice when he looks back on the early years of the family business.他回忆早些年的家族生意时,无疑是带着一种怀旧的语气的。Mrs Adamson said that she was extremely sorry, in tones that made it clear that she was nothing of the sort.亚当森夫人说她深感抱歉,但她的语气清楚地让人感到她毫无歉意。There was a note of disapproval in the teacher's voice.老师的语气里透着反对的意思。She spoke to him with quiet dignity.她以平静庄重的语气对他说话。There was a note of profound irritation in his voice.他的语气中带有强烈的恼怒情绪。She was shocked by the vicious tone in his voice.她被他恶毒的语气惊呆了。I detected a tinge of envy in her tone.我觉察出她的语气中有一丝嫉妒。Meredith trembled at the tenderness in his tone.听到他语气里流露出的浓浓爱意,梅雷迪思颤抖不已。His voice was grimly determined.他的语气非常坚决。




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