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词汇 uniform
例句 All flowing water, though it appears to be uniform, is actually divided into extensive inner surfaces, or layers, moving against one another.所有流动的水体虽然从表面看来都是浑然一体,但实际上其内部分成许多广延的面,或者说层,彼此逆向运动。Wearing uniform is an unbreakable rule in our school.穿校服是我们学校的一条金科玉律。A man in a uniform stopped us entering.一个穿制服的人不让我们进去。The middle button of his uniform jacket was strained over his belly.制服上装中间的纽扣在他的肚子上绷得紧紧的。Simon thankfully slipped off his uniform and relaxed.西蒙满怀庆幸地迅速脱下制服,放松了下来。They have to wear a uniform.他们必须穿制服。Many plainclothes policemen were ordered back into uniform for temporary riot duty.许多便衣警探奉命重新穿上警服,暂时执行防暴任务。 I feel so drab in this grey uniform.穿这套灰制服我觉得很没生气。They wore the standard uniform of the American office worker.他们穿着美国上班族的标志性服装。He dishonored the uniform and did not deserve to be a marine.他玷污了这身军服,不配当一名海军陆战队士兵。The children stood in neat rows, smartly dressed in school uniform.孩子们身穿整洁的校服,整齐地站成一行一行的。Last month's sales growth was not uniform.上个月的销售额出现不均匀增长。She had soon grown out of her school uniform.她很快就长得穿不上校服了。I'm going to slip out of this uniform as soon as we get home.我打算我们一到家就把这制服脱掉。He was still wearing his school uniform.他还穿着校服。Do you have to wear a uniform if you work at McDonald's?在麦当劳上班一定要穿制服吗?Shrimp are raised in long uniform ponds, frozen in the nearby packing plant and shipped north.虾放养在清一色的长池子里,再送到附近的包装车间冷冻,最后用船运往北方。It says in the rules that every child has to wear school uniform.校规中规定每个孩子都必须穿校服。His face blanched as he looked at Sharpe's blood-drenched uniform.他一看到夏普浸满鲜血的制服,脸色顿时变得煞白。He was attired in a plain, mud-flecked uniform.他身穿一件朴素的制服,上面满是泥点。You must turn in your uniform before you leave.你离开前必须把制服交还。Tom looks handsome in uniform.汤姆穿上制服很英俊。The postal system operates a uniform price structure, so it always costs the same to send a letter.邮政系统实行统一的价格结构,所以寄一封信收费总是相同的。Along each wall stretched uniform green metal filing cabinets.每面墙边都一溜摆着相同的绿色金属档案柜。She changed out of her uniform and into her street clothes.她脱掉制服,换上了便装。She was small and fragile and looked incongruous in an army uniform.她又小又弱,穿一身军装看起来很不协调。In his new uniform he looked handsome and dignified.他身穿簇新的制服,看上去英俊威严。He hired a pert redhead in uniform to act as his assistant.他雇了一名身穿制服、作风泼辣的红发女子当他的助手。The young soldier cut a fine figure in his new uniform.年轻的士兵身着新制服很是抢眼。His uniform is laced with gold.他的制服上镶有金色饰带。We saw very few enemy soldiers in uniform.我们看到稀稀拉拉几个穿着军装的敌兵。One of the police officers was bareheaded, though in uniform.一位警官虽然穿了制服,但是没有戴帽子。I didn't recognize you in your uniform.你穿上制服我认不出你了。The juniors have a different uniform from the infants.小学生的校服与婴幼儿的不同。I used to hate wearing a school uniform.我过去讨厌穿校服。The school board voted to reinstate the school's uniform policy.校董会投票决定重启校服制度。The school uniform is quasi-military in style.这种校服在式样上类似军装。All these jackets have a uniform size.所有这些夹克尺寸相同。The results are not uniform or predictable.所得结果并不一致,并且不可预见。He was identified only by his uniform and personal belongings.人们只认他的制服和个人财产。




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