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词汇 scandal
例句 The scandal caused tempests in the newspapers.那丑闻在报纸上掀起了阵阵风波。It is getting harder for the president to dissociate himself from the scandal.总统越来越难以摆脱这一丑闻了。Did the scandal have any effect on the course of the election?丑闻对选举进程有影响吗?The scandal ruptured relations between the two countries.这起丑闻使两国关系破裂。This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.诈骗丑闻最新爆出的这一事件让很多人瞠目结舌。He was tired of the endless stream of scandal offered by the tabloid press.他厌烦了那些通俗小报上没完没了的丑闻报道。Some magazines contain nothing but scandal and gossip.有些杂志专门报道丑闻,散播小道消息。After the scandal, he was cast out of the best society.出了这件丑闻以后,他被上流社会所摈弃。The scandal involved a number of low-ranking officials in the government.丑闻涉及一些低级政府官员。What went on was a scandal. It was a disgrace to Britain.发生的一切是个丑闻,是给英国抹黑。The release of the movie so soon after the scandal is shameless opportunism.这部影片在丑闻发生不久就迅速推出,是无耻的投机取巧。The cabinet minister left office under a cloud after a fraud scandal.这位内阁大臣因涉嫌诈骗丑闻而离职。I knew someone who was mixed up in that corruption scandal.我认识的某个人与那件贪污丑闻有牵连。When asked about what role he played in the scandal, he merely gave an astute answer.被问到他在弊案中扮演何种角色时,他给了一个狡猾的答案。The scandal destroyed his reputation.这桩丑闻毁了他的声誉。There was a major scandal involving the mayor's ties with the Mob.有一桩关于市长和犯罪团伙有牵连的重大丑闻。His decline in popularity followed on the coattails of the scandal.他的声望随着那件丑闻的发生而低落了。The family is enduring the disgrace of scandal/suicide.那个家庭正忍受着丑闻/自杀事件带来的耻辱。Officials who were involved in the scandal were removed from office.卷入丑闻的官员都被罢免了职务。The government was torn asunder by scandal.政府因为丑闻而四分五裂。These new revelations brought the scandal to a head.这些新披露的内容把这桩丑闻推到了风口浪尖。He was able to survive the scandal only because he had several clever assistants who ran interference for him.他能从丑闻中脱身,多亏了他的几个聪明的助手给他打了掩护。The scandal resulted in the director's removal. 这则丑闻最终导致主管被免职。She was involved in a seamy corruption scandal.她被卷入一桩龌龊的腐败丑闻中。This catch phrase stands as an epitaph for the society that gave birth to this scandal.这句流行语给出现这条丑闻的社会下了定论。The scandal cast a cloud over his presidency. 这条丑闻大大损毁了他作为总统的形象。The news media always overreacts to any kind of scandal.新闻媒体对任何类型的丑闻都特别敏感。The state of our health service is nothing short of a scandal.我们的医疗保健服务状况简直是一种耻辱。Do you realize, woman, the scandal and publicity that will be involved?臭婆娘,你知不知道这会恶名远扬?Following the scandal, he was relieved of his post as deputy finance minister.丑闻曝光后,他被解除了财政部副部长的职务。The administration was left relatively unscathed by the scandal.管理层在这个丑闻中基本没受影响。They tried to cover up the crime/mistake/problem/scandal.他们试图隐瞒罪行/过失/问题/丑闻。The scandal will not detract from his fame.这一丑闻无损于他的名声。The scandal has rocked the banking world.丑闻震动了整个银行界。The scandal made a mess of his political career.丑闻毁掉了他的政治生涯。The news about the minister's private life caused a scandal.有关部长私生活的新闻激起了人们的愤慨。Her reputation has been immeasurably damaged by this latest scandal.她的名声因这起最新的丑闻受到了极大的损害。The scandal about the mayor caused a sensation.有关市长的丑闻引起了轰动。The scandal is still unfolding, but there may be a resolution soon.丑闻还在披露,但是不久就会有解决办法的。The Government is untainted by major scandal.政府的声誉没有因为重大丑闻而受损。




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