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词汇 有钱
例句 Have you the means to support a wife?有钱供养妻子吗? He spoke as though he were a rich landowner instead of just the foreman of a modest building firm.他说起话来好像他是有钱的地主,而不是一家小建筑公司里的一个小工头。Perhaps next year more of us will be able to afford holidays abroad.也许到明年我们中会有更多的人有钱出国度假了。Just because a family has money does not guarantee that the children have responsible and caring parents.并不是说家里有钱,小孩子就一定会有负责、关心爱护他们的父母。Nothing will be spent until he has made sure the money is there to pay for it.他在确保有钱付账之前不会花一分钱。Remember that not everyone has as much money as you.记住,不是每个人都和你一样有钱She was dating a rich American playboy who was seeing two other women at the same time.她正和一位有钱的美国公子哥交往,而此人同时还和另外两个女人交往。I told my friends it was a sure thing, and they bet every last penny on that horse of yours.我告诉朋友肯定会赢的,于是他们把所有钱都押在你那匹马上。The robbers were lying in wait for the rich traveler.强盗埋伏著等待有钱的旅客。She had a string of wealthy boyfriends before she finally married.在最终结婚之前,她交过的有钱男友有一大串。Because he is rich, powerful, and has a lot of clout, he is always surrounded by sycophants.因他有权、有钱、又有势,所以身边不乏奉承谄媚的人。He sued a lady of means.他向一个有钱的贵妇人求爱了。Painting is a favorite hobby of the idle rich.画画是有钱的闲人最喜欢的爱好。There are no bank charges if you stay in credit.只要你账户里有钱,银行就不收费。I'd like to start my own business – that's what I'd do if I had the money.我想自己创业,要是我有钱,我会那么做的。The shop attracted a loyal following among the well-heeled.这家商店吸引了一批有钱的忠实顾客。Did you see his car? He's not short of a bob or two!你看到他的车了吗?他真有钱She became rich beyond her wildest dreams. 她做梦都没想到自己会变得那么有钱He came into a fortune when his rich aunt died.在他有钱的姑母死后,他继承了一大笔财产。He might have left the money for the simple reason that he didn't know it was there.他留下那笔钱的原因可能很简单 — 他不知道那里有钱There is nothing to which she wouldn't stoop to get money for drugs.为了能有钱买毒品,她愿意作践自己做任何事情。The fact that she had become wealthy did not tempt her to alter her frugal way of life.有钱了,可这丝毫没能让她改变节俭的生活习惯。She managed to find a rich and doting husband for herself.她终于找到一个有钱而钟爱她的丈夫。I wish she'd stop bragging about how rich her parents are.我希望她不要老是吹嘘自己的父母多么有钱If I had some money, I would spend it on books.假如我有钱的话,我会用来买书。You can tell the very rich by their evening dress.你可从夜礼服认出那些极有钱的富人。A life insurance policy enables you to provide for your family after your death.一份人寿保险能够使你在死后继续有钱养活家人。I wish that I could afford a new car.我要是有钱买辆新车就好了。The richest universities can pick and choose which students they take.有钱的大学可以对生源精挑细选。Have you the necessary for such a long trip?有钱作这么一次长途旅行吗?He's dating a rich, beautiful playgirl.他正和一位有钱、漂亮、爱玩的女孩交往。He may be rich and famous but I wouldn't change places with him for anything in the world.他也许既有钱又有名,但拿什么我都不会和他交换。Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in these tough times.在这样艰难的时期,能够有钱买杯酒就是种慰藉了。Everything that Jim puts into the pension is fully tax relievable.吉姆投到退休金中的所有钱都是完全免税的。You might as well enjoy your money while you've got it.既然你有钱倒不如好好享用。Her family, if anything, was richer than mine.要说有什么区别的话,她家比我家有钱Did you know Peter has three houses? He must be loaded.你知道彼得有三幢房子吗?他肯定是极有钱的。Money does not always go with happiness.有钱不一定幸福。He checked the register. There was money in the till.他查看了一下收银机的抽屉,里面有钱Her career was helped along by her wealthy uncle.她的有钱的叔叔帮助向前推进了她的事业。




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