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词汇 微薄
例句 They suffered long hours, unsafe working conditions and skimpy pay.他们在不安全的工作环境下长时间辛苦劳作,却只有微薄的工资。They are still having to live on very low incomes.他们现在还得靠微薄的收入过日子。How can you get by on such a small salary?靠这点微薄的薪水你怎么过活?We had to live very simply on my father's small salary.我们依靠父亲微薄的工资得非常简朴地过活。The program was run on a shoestring.这计划靠微薄的资金支撑。Paul was engaged as a junior clerk at a very low wage.保罗被雇用为初级文员,薪水微薄It's a struggle to bring up a family on a low income.微薄的收入抚养孩子很艰难。He started his business on a shoestring and built it up gradually.他以微薄的资金创业,然后慢慢发展扩大。The charity has been existing on very slender resources.这个慈善团体一直靠非常微薄的经济来源维持。She raised three children on a pittance.她靠微薄的收入抚养三个孩子。She eked out her small income by cleaning other people's houses.她靠打扫别人的屋子来贴补她微薄的收入。Like many rich kids, Georgie was raised by a succession of underpaid nannies.和许多富家子弟一样,乔吉也是先后由好几个薪酬微薄的保姆抚养长大的。They struggled by on a small pension.他们依靠微薄的养老金勉强度日。She receives a small annuity.她每年得到一笔微薄的年金。He could not support his family on his meager salary.他靠微薄的薪资无法养家。They closed down after years of low profits.他们数年来获利微薄,终致倒闭。West was paid very little for his labours.韦斯特的辛勤劳动只得到了很微薄的报酬。She lives on a small salary.她靠微薄的工资维生。My son sees life in black and white. To him, the world is full of greedy capitalists and underpaid workers.我儿子看待生活很绝对。在他看来,世界全是贪婪的资本家和薪水微薄的工人。The workers get paid peanuts.工人的工资十分微薄The musicians earn a pittance.那些乐师收入微薄It is a mystery to me how he can live so well on such a small salary.他靠这么微薄的薪水竟可以过这种阔绰的生活,这对我来说是个谜。He busked to supplement his meagre wages.他靠街头卖艺来贴补微薄的工资。He eked out his small income by working for neighbors.他靠给邻居们干点事弥补微薄的收入。He works all day for peanuts.他为了微薄的收入而整天工作。Mr. Henry got a snug little income.亨利先生仅有刚够开支的微薄收入。They managed to survive on his small salary.他们得以靠他微薄的薪水维持生活。By thrift she managed to get along on her small salary.由于节俭,她得以靠微薄的薪水度日。The old man's small income from rents was his only dependence.那位老人微薄的房租收入是他唯一的生活来源。Many employers are only too ready to exploit and underpay female part-time workers.许多雇主很会剥削兼职女工,付给她们很微薄的薪水。John is doing his bit to raise funds for charity.约翰正在为筹集善款尽自己的微薄之力。She was living on a small, fixed income and having trouble paying her bills.她靠一份微薄的固定收入生活,开支捉襟见肘。I can't get by on such a small income.靠这么微薄的收入我无法过活。The post paid him remarkably little.这个职位给他的报酬极为微薄Everyone contributed in his own small way.每人尽了自己一份微薄的力量。I can hardly afford the rent on my miserable income.我靠这点微薄的收入几乎交不起房租。She eked out her small income by washing clothes for other people.她替人洗衣以贴补微薄的收入。The gain will be commensurately modest.收入也会相应地比较微薄She earned a meager income of five dollars a day.她每天只有五美元的微薄收入。The company eked out a tiny profit last year.这家公司去年艰难地获得了微薄的利润。




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