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例句 We're waiting for a part to come from Germany.我们正在等一个从德国送来的部件。His main income comes from breeding cattle.他的主要收入来自养牛。The exhaustion felt by new parents comes from the continual disturbance of their sleep patterns.刚有孩子的父母会感觉很疲劳,因为他们的睡眠习惯频频被打乱。A child's values come from its parents and, to a lesser extent, from its schooling.孩子的价值观大多来自于父母,也有小部分来自于学校教育。The police asked some awkward questions about where the money had come from.警方围绕钱的来源问了一些让人很难作答的问题。Only a tiny fraction of our profit comes from book sales.我们的利润只有极少一部分来自图书销售。All wood used in our furniture comes with a certificate saying it comes from sustainable forests.我们的家具所使用的所有木料都有证书,说是采自可持续性森林。More complete and quantifiable data has come from the laboratory recently.新近从实验室里得到了更多完整而且可定量的数据。Nearly half the students come from abroad.将近一半的学生来自国外。Many refugees were forcibly deported back to the countries they had come from.许多难民被强制遣送回国。The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.那个男子穿着浴袍,显然是刚刚从浴室出来。Much of his success comes from being in tune with what his customers want.他的成功很大程度上归功于他契合了顾客的需要。The most immediate spark for unrest could come from the economy.导致动荡局面的最直接原因可能来自经济。He comes from humble origins. 他是平民出身。The two authors come from different schools of writing.这两位作家属于不同的写作流派。The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.这些女孩出身背景各异。They come from the combatant nations.他们来自各参战国。They come from Tuam, a place they refer to on the title track of their album, 'All the Way From Tuam'.他们来自蒂厄姆,就是那个在他们专辑同名歌曲《一路行自蒂厄姆》中提及的地方。She comes from a family of seven kids.她来自一个有七个孩子的家庭。She comes from a very grounded family.她来自一个非常脚踏实地的家庭。A significant proportion of the funding is likely to come from government.相当大的一部分资金可能会来自政府。Many of our students come from poor families.我们的很多学生来自贫困家庭。This advice must have come from the oracle; it is difficult to understand.这个忠告一定是来自神谕处,因为它难以理解。Without wanting to sound mean about it, these things all have to come from a budget.我并不想显得小气,但所有这些东西都必须从预算中开支。Only buy floppy disks that have come from a reputable source.只从声誉良好的供货商那里购买软盘。Bob comes from an old family.鲍伯出身于一个古老的家族。She comes from a perfectly regular middle-class family.她出身于一个极其普通的中产阶级家庭。The collagen that is included in face creams comes from animal skin.面霜中的胶原蛋白取自动物皮层。He comes from a long line of entertainers. 他出身于一个演艺世家。He has a good ear for accents and can usually tell where a speaker comes from.他对口音有灵敏的辨别力,通常能听出讲话人来自哪儿。Condemnation of this policy has come from all political parties.所有政党都谴责这项政策。She comes from a long line of farmers. 她出身于世代务农的家庭。She works with children who come from broken homes.她与来自破裂家庭的孩子们打交道。Bradford, where Bren comes from, has a lot of good curry restaurants.布拉德福德,布伦的家乡,有很多不错的咖喱饭店。My wife's parents and my parents come from the same town.我岳父母和父母都来自同一个城市。The following excerpts all come from the 'Spring Symphony'.以下片段全部来自《春天交响曲》。The main threat to the survival of these creatures comes from their loss of habitat.栖息地的丧失是这些生物生存的最大威胁。By your speech I can tell you come from the North.听你的口音,我能知道你是北方人。He and his wife come from different cultural milieus. 他和妻子有着不同的文化背景。Most chief executives come from inside the company.大部分总经理来自公司内部。




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