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词汇 有失
例句 Those thoughts are unworthy of you. 那些想法有失你的身份。His manner was discourteous, not to say offensive.他的举止即使算不上冒犯,至少也是有失礼貌的。He considered that job beneath him.他认为做那个工作有失他的身分。It ill becomes us to be self-righteous in our criticism of him.我们抱着自以为是的态度批评他,这有失我们的身份。They claim she was railroaded.他们声称对她的定罪有失公正。He felt cleaning the bathroom was beneath his dignity.他觉得打扫卫生间有失自己的体面。In male company, perhaps he did overstep the bounds of propriety.在清一色男性的公司里,可能他的举止确实有失得体。He thought manual labour below him.他认为体力劳动有失他的身份。I would consider it beneath me to do such a thing.做这种事我认为是有失我身份的。Is it beneath your dignity to go to the theater with such a poor fellow?与这样一个穷家伙一起去看戏有失你的身分吗? The report accuses the judicial system of inconsistency and partiality.报告指责司法系统执法前后不一且有失公正。Shouting across the street at someone is not very ladylike!隔着马路对某个人大声叫喊有失大家闺秀的风范!The play goes beyond the bounds of decency. = The play exceeds the bounds of decency.这部剧有失得体。Stan thought doing that kind of thing below him.斯坦认为做那种事有失自己的身分。The performances by the actors were not up to snuff.演员们的表演有失水准。Those involved had performed acts unbecoming of university students.那些参与者的所作所为有失大学生的体面。He played brilliantly for the first set but then went rather off the boil.他第一盘表现得非常出色,但接下来就有失水准了。I think he was ill-advised to put his suggestions down on paper.我认为他以书面形式提出建议有失考虑。Both have committed their indiscretions, as human beings are wont to do.两人都有失慎重,此乃人之常情。The accusation of elitism seems unfair as the festival presents a wide range of music, with something to please everyone.对于音乐节曲高和寡的指责似乎有失公正,因为它提供了丰富多样的音乐满足不同听众的喜好。His performances could charitably be described as below par.他的表演可以婉转地说成是有失水准。The boss just never talked to peons like us. It was beneath her.老板从来不会和我们这些低级工人说话,有失她的身份。She refused his request, haughtily explaining that such things were beneath her.她拒绝了他的要求,并且傲慢地解释说,做那样的事有失她的身份。A spell of poor health took the edge off her performance.一度身体欠佳令她表现有失水准。The report was held back for fear of prejudicing his trial.因为担心会使他的审判有失公正,这篇报道被暂时压了下来。He clearly regarded manual work as beneath his dignity.他明显认为干体力活儿有失他的身份。The essay didn't come up to his usual standard.这篇文章有失他的水准。The ranking system is unfairly weighted in favor of the largest schools.这项排名制度有失公平地向规模最大的那些学校倾斜。Those involved had performed acts that are unbecoming of university students.那些参与者的所作所为有失大学生的体面。The punishments that the government has inflicted/imposed on the protesters are severe and unjust.政府给予抗议者们的惩罚过于严厉而且有失公正。The newspaper admitted it was guilty of biased reporting.该报承认报道有失偏颇。Many in Toronto's black community feel that the justice system does not treat them fairly.多伦多的黑人群体中有很多人觉得司法制度对待他们有失公正。His early works were promising, but his recent films haven't measured up. 他早期的作品初露锋芒,但他近期的电影有失水准。He who hesitates is lost.优柔寡断者必然有失They portray him as a weak leader, but I don't think that's a fair characterization.他们把他说成是软弱的领袖,但我认为这种描绘有失偏颇。Do you think I'm being unfair?你觉得我有失公正吗?Office work of any description he felt was beneath him.他觉得做任何办公室的工作都有失他的身份。




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