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词汇 有利条件
例句 The plus point of this area is its school system, which is considered one of the best in the city.这个地区的有利条件在于它的学校体系是这个城市最好的。The diversity of languages among our schoolkids should be seen as a benefit, and not as a disadvantage.我们学校的孩子讲五花八门的语言,这应该被视为一个有利条件,而不是缺点。The vicinity of the apartment to his office was an advantage on rainy days.他的寓所邻近办公室,这在下雨天就成了有利条件A sense of humor is a great asset in this business.在这一行业中,幽默感是一大有利条件The advantage — the buoyancy and liveliness of their lightly loaded craft — abruptly turned against them.他们轻载的小船轻快灵便,这个有利条件却一下子成了他们的不利条件。Those are advantages that attach to the profession.那些都是从事该职业的种种有利条件The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.有利条件超过不利条件。The city is making the most of its favoured situation.这座城市在充分利用自身的有利条件This remarkable achievement took place without the benefit of our modern telecommunication industry.这项非凡成就的取得并没有借助于现代电信业这个有利条件Experience in sales is a plus.销售方面的经验是一项有利条件The war has created favorable conditions for the illegal arms trade.这场战争为非法军火贸易创造了有利条件The advantages more than balance the disadvantages.有利条件同不利条件相抵绰绰有余。Stop being so depressed. You have a lot going for you.别这么沮丧,你有很多有利条件The ability to adapt is a definite asset in this job.适应能力是做这份工作的绝对有利条件I can always use someone with good access to the White House. What's your angle?我倒总有办法利用一个经常出入白宫的人。你的特殊有利条件是什么?Being tall gives him an advantage.个子高给了他有利条件Sitting Presidents hold built-in advantages when seeking another term.现任总统在谋求连任时拥有内在的有利条件




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