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Whenever he works out his accounts there are always discrepancies.他算的账总有出入。Apparently there were discrepancies between police reports taken from the same witnesses at different times.显然警方在不同时候对同一批证人所记录的口供报告内容有出入。The true cost often differs from that quoted.实际成本经常与报价有出入。The numbers on the old list and the new list don't tally.旧表和新表上的数据有出入。I learned that a number of statements in my talk were factually wrong.我得知我讲话中的一些说法与事实有出入。Police noticed inconsistency in his two statements.警察注意到他的两次陈述有出入。I am writing to correct factual inaccuracies contained in your article.我写此信意在纠正您文章中与事实有出入的地方。 |