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He could not hide his agitation.他无法掩饰自己的焦虑。She was wriggling on the seat with agitation.她不安地在座位上扭来扭去。He made no attempt to disguise his agitation.他毫不掩饰自己的焦虑不安。He paced up and down the room in agitation.他焦躁不安地在屋子里走来走去。There has been mass agitation against the president.已经发生了民众反对总统的骚动。The eruption of agitation has thrown a massive spanner in the works.骚乱的爆发在很大程度上打乱了原定计划。Diane lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.黛安娜点了一支烟,试图掩饰自己的不安。His lower lip trembled in agitation.因为激动,他的下唇微微抽搐。She was in a state of considerable agitation.她处于相当焦虑的状态。The anti-war agitation is beginning to worry the government.反战宣传逐渐让政府开始担心。He knocked his glass over in his agitation.他一激动把杯子打翻了。He sat down to recover from his agitation.他坐下来以便让自己从激动中恢复过来。Dena lit a cigarette, trying to mask her agitation.德娜点燃了一支烟,试图掩饰她内心的焦虑。He was trying not to let the jailers see his agitation.他尽量不让狱卒看出他的激动情绪。Danny returned to Father's house in a state of intense agitation.丹尼极其焦虑不安地回到父亲的家。With uncontrollable agitation she opened the letter.带着无法控制的激动,她拆读信件。He spoke with increasing agitation about the situation.他谈起局势越来越激动。There is growing agitation for reform of local government.主张改革当地政府的骚动越来越多。Temperature is a measure of the agitation of the molecules of matter.温度是物质分子运动的一个计量单位。He traversed the bedroom in much agitation.他极其焦躁不安地在卧室里来回走动。She was trying not to show her agitation.她尽量掩饰她的焦虑。The organization is turning to political agitation in order to achieve its aims.这个组织正通过政治抗议活动来达到其目的。His agitation was beginning to get out of bounds.他开始激动得不可开交。 |