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例句 Watch this space for news updates.敬请关注最新消息The latest news has thrown discredit on his account of the accident.最新消息使人们对他有关这一事故的报道产生怀疑。The latest information could scupper the peace talks.这个最新消息会使和谈成为泡影。You haven't heard the last of this, depend upon it.你还不知道此事的最新消息,这一点可以肯定。Please can someone fill me in on anything I've missed?哪位能把我没听到的最新消息告诉我吗?He will be keeping abreast of the news.他将时刻关注最新消息Let me give you an update on the trial.我来告诉你这次审判的最新消息吧。Have you heard the latest? Nicky's getting married.你听说最新消息了吗?尼基要结婚了。The latest news has caused a turnaround in public opinion.最新消息导致了舆论的彻底转向。You can catch all the latest news on our website.你可以在我们的网站上找到所有的最新消息Is there any hot news from the front?有前线来的最新消息吗? We'll bring you all the latest news.我们将为您带来所有的最新消息Here is John Simmonds, our Diplomatic Editor, with the latest news.现在我们的外交记者约翰·西蒙兹报道一下最新消息Bring me up to date on their progress.告诉我有关他们进展的最新消息Now we're going live to our reporter in Washington for up-to-the-minute news on the crisis.现在我们将连线本台驻华盛顿的记者,现场报道关于该危机的最新消息I want to catch up on all your news.我想知道和你有关的所有最新消息Have you heard the latest? Phil's going out with Judy!你听到了最新消息没有?菲尔在和朱迪约会!Last I heard, they'd moved in together and were living in sin.我听到的最新消息是,他们已经搬到一起同居了。We will continue to bring you news updates throughout the day.我们将全天继续为您播报最新消息Here's the latest news, in case you missed it.如果你还不知道的话,这些是最新消息He kept us supplied with the latest news.他不断向我们提供最新消息This latest piece of information only confuses the issue further.这则最新消息使问题更加复杂化了。The up-to-the-minute news from the radio station attracted many listeners.这个电台的最新消息吸引了很多听众。According to the last news I heard, he will resign tomorrow.据我听到的最新消息,他明天将辞职。Oh, I haven't told you the latest about my car!噢,我还没有告诉你有关我的车的最新消息呢!The latest news threatens trouble for the economy.最新消息显示经济会出现问题。Did you talk to him? What's the scoop? 你和他谈过了吗?有什么最新消息What's the latest on the election?选举的事有什么最新消息They were eager to hear the latest news. = They were eager for the latest news.他们迫切地想听到最新消息This latest news troubled him deeply.这个最新消息使他深为烦恼。She did not bother to keep up with the news.她不愿花时间去了解最新消息Some late news has just come in.刚收到几条最新消息Have you heard the latest?你听到最新消息了吗?Next up is the latest news from the presidential campaign .接下来要播出的是总统竞选活动的最新消息The Washington Post leads with the latest news from Israel.《华盛顿邮报》头版头条报道以色列的最新消息I keep up to date with the news by listening to radio.我通过听收音机了解最新消息The latest fallout from the Premier League is all over the back pages.报纸的体育新闻页满是联赛余波的最新消息We'll have another news update for you at the top of the hour. 下个整点,我们将为您报道另外一条最新消息She'll clue you in on the latest news.她会向你通报最新消息Later in this segment we will be going over to our Westminster studio for an update on the situation.稍后本节目将切换到威斯敏斯特演播室,在那里为您报道事态的最新消息




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