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词汇 陆军
例句 He asked why the bombers had not been intercepted by Army patrols.他问为什么那批投弹手未被陆军巡逻队阻截。My sons are both in the army.我的两个儿子都在陆军服役。Lawrence, in a fit of pique, left the Army and took up a career in the City.劳伦斯一气之下离开了陆军,在伦敦金融城开始了工作。The hunt for her killer will continue, with police aided by the army and air force.警方将在陆军和空军的帮助下,继续追踪谋杀她的凶手。Searches by the army and paramilitary forces have continued today.今天陆军和准军事部队继续进行搜索。The army's supreme command has said the army will withdraw.陆军最高司令部声称部队行将撤退。A special army brigade is to be formed.一个特种陆军旅即将成立。The government has mobilized several of the army's top combat units.政府已调动了若干陆军精锐作战部队。In the ROTC program, students fulfill a service commitment after college, in return for a scholarship from the Army or Navy.按后备军官训练队计划,学生大学毕业后要履行服役承诺,以换取陆军或海军提供的奖学金。This consolidation meant having to reduce the numerical strength of the Army.这次合并意味着不得不削减陆军的兵力。The army decided to establish a veterinary corps.陆军决定组建一支兽医队。The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本应与舰队共同行动,突袭敌方海岸。There were rumblings of discontent from junior ranks in the Army.陆军下级军官怨声载道。The Army was annihilated.陆军被彻底击溃了。The Army makes futile attempts to scare the people back indoors.陆军徒劳地想把人们吓回户内。Field Marshal is the highest rank in the army.陆军元帅是陆军的最高军衔。The Army pensioned the soldier for his years of loyal service.陆军为这位忠诚服役多年的士兵发放退休金。He signed up as an Army reservist.他签约加入了陆军后备队。The device was thrown at an army patrol but failed to explode.这个装置投向了陆军巡逻队,但没有爆炸。He left home and joined the army after he graduated from high school.他高中毕业后就离开家参加陆军了。Paramilitaries and army recruits patrolled the village.准军事组织成员和陆军新兵在那个村子巡逻。The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister.情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。The army was disaffected and tried to drive out the government.陆军不忠,试图推翻政府。They took part in a vigorous army assault course.他们参加了一个高强度的陆军突击训练课程。He deserted from army intelligence last month.上个月他从陆军情报机关开小差跑了。He'd left the British Army and joined the private sector.他离开了英国陆军,进了私企。The army lorries were sprayed with machine gun fire from guerrillas in the woods.陆军的运货卡车遭到了树林中游击队机关枪的扫射。Armies are no longer earthbound.陆军不再只限于陆上活动。They staged an ambush on an army patrol.他们策划了对一支陆军巡逻队的伏击。He's a retired Army intelligence officer.他是一名退役陆军情报官员。Both of her sons are in the army.她的两个儿子都在陆军部队服役。Women soldiers will join their male counterparts at the army base.女兵将加入到这个陆军基地的男兵之中。His job was to recruit for the army.他的工作是为陆军募兵。He continues to hold the office of army Chief of Staff.他继续担任陆军总参谋长。The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本来应该与舰队协同作战,突袭敌人的海岸。The town has been heavily bombarded by the army backed by the Air Force.这座城镇遭到了空军掩护下的陆军的猛烈炮击。The army sent a punitive expedition into Mexico.陆军派远征军讨伐墨西哥。He was rejected for the army because of his bad eyes.他因眼疾未被录取为陆军新兵。He opposed expansion of the army and navy.他反对扩张陆军和海军。He enlisted in the army at his father's urging. 由于父亲的主张,他加入了陆军




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