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例句 Mary, who was suffering from terminal cancer, spent her last few months in a hospice.玛丽患了晚期癌症,在一家安养院度过了最后的几个月。The House worked out some last-minute snags in the legislation.众议院解决了立法过程中一些最后的障碍。The end result was that the ship had to turn round, and go back to Djibouti.最后的结果是这艘船不得不掉转方向,驶回吉布提。Government forces are mopping up the last pockets of resistance.政府军正在肃清最后的零星抵抗。We're making the final preparations for the party.我们正在为聚会做最后的准备工作。The new plane is in its final design stage.这种新型飞机处于最后的设计阶段。Spielberg himself oversaw the final cut.斯皮尔伯格亲自监督了影片最后的剪辑工作。The sculpture is still in the raw.这件雕塑还没有经过最后的润饰。The troops rallied for a final assault.部队重新集结,发动一场最后的突击。I'm afraid I don't agree with that last comment.恐怕我不同意最后的那句评论。The last days of her life were darkened by illness.她生命最后的日子由于疾病而郁郁寡欢。The runners came around the bend for a sprint finish in the home straight.赛跑选手跑过弯道在终点直道上进行最后的冲刺。I think I'll polish that last beer off before George gets in.我想我要赶在乔治进来之前把最后的一点啤酒喝完。I walked the last few miles in water up to my thighs.我在齐大腿深的水中走过了最后的几英里路。This is our last chance and we shall need to take it if we are to compete and survive.这是我们最后的机会,如果我们想要竞争并存活下来的话,就一定要抓住这次机会。The last chords of the suite build to a crescendo.最后的和音将组曲推向了高潮。The negotiators made a last-ditch effort to reach an agreement.谈判者为达成协议作了最后的努力。Most of those who voted for independence did not envision war as the eventual outcome.大多数投票选择独立的人没料到最后的结局竟会是战争。What is the final tally?最后的积分是多少?Some delegates believe the final declaration is likely to be too timorous.一些代表认为最后的声明可能不够强硬。The police stamped out the last flickers of freedom.警察把最后的一点儿自由全都扼杀了。Yesterday she was incommunicado, putting the finishing touches to her autobiography.昨天她闭门独处,对她的自传作最后的润色。Only the finalities of the deal remain to be completed.该交易只剩下最后的手续就完成了。The room was full of dancers, all making last-minute adjustments to their costumes.房间里满是舞蹈演员,都在对演出服装作最后的调整。With all due respect, Sir, I cannot agree with your last statement.恕我直言,先生,我不能同意您最后的那部分阐述。The final rewards will more than compensate for any loss you may incur.最后的报酬除补偿你可能经受到的损失外还会有余。Final preparations are under way for celebrations to mark German unification.纪念德国统一的庆典活动正在做最后的准备工作。With his last breath he cursed his captors.他用最后的一口气诅咒绑架他的人。Finally the moment of truth will be upon you.最后的关键时刻将取决于你。They tried to wring every last dollar of profit out of the failing company.他们试图从这家快要倒闭的公司榨取最后的利润。The tree was in its last lushness before autumn, its branches thick with leaves.这棵树枝繁叶茂,呈现着秋季来临前最后的葱郁。Her last three losses have sapped her of her confidence.最后的三次失败令她丧失了信心。The panel will give its final verdict tomorrow.专家小组明天将给出最后的结论。He read from a scripted speech and refused to answer any questions at all at the end of it.他照着事先写好的演讲稿念,在最后的时候拒绝回答任何问题。Who wants the last of the ice cream?谁要最后的这些冰淇淋?That last piece of cake has my name on it.最后的那块蛋糕是属于我的。This painting is nearly perfect, but it may still need a final embellishment.这幅画已几近完美,但也许还需要最后的一点润色。They won their final four games.他们赢了最后的四场比赛。Gilles Delion, of France, won the Tour of Lombardy in a sprint finish at Monza yesterday.法国选手吉勒斯·德利翁昨天在蒙扎凭借最后的冲刺获得伦巴第巡回赛冠军。This is to mellow the flavour and colour of the final juice.这是要使最后的果汁味道更浓郁,色泽更柔和。




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