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词汇 更糟
例句 She was disappointed with their decision, but she reflected that it could have been worse.她对他们的决定感到失望,不过认真考虑之后她觉得情况本来还可能更糟I didn't want to tell her that worse was yet to come.我不想告诉她更糟的事还在后面呢。The reforms actually worsened the condition of people in rural communities.这些改革实际上使农村居民的处境更糟了。It was raining, the bus was late, and to crown it all, he had no coat.天下着雨,公共汽车又脱班,更糟的是他没穿外衣。A temporary job would only cart me worse in the end.临时性工作到头来只会让我处境更糟You couldn't be any worse off than you are now.你不会比现在更糟的。Nothing is worse than war.没有什么比战争更糟的了。The washing machine flooded, my car broke down, then to top it all I locked myself out of the house.洗衣机淹水了,我的车出故障了,然而更糟的是我把自己锁在屋外了。To make matters worse, it started to rain again.更糟的是,又开始下雨了。It turned out to be a worse idea than we originally thought.这个主意结果证明比我们最初的想法更糟We were given little time to finish. Add to this the fact that nobody helped us, and you can understand why we were angry.给我们的时间本来就不多,更糟的是根本没有人来帮我们,你能理解我们为什么生气了吧。We thought the situation was bad, but worse was to follow.我们以为形势不好,但更糟的还在后头。My car broke down, and to make matters worse, I can't afford to fix it. 我的车坏了,然而更糟的是,我付不起修车费。The economy is in worse shape now than it was last year.现在的经济状况比去年更糟As soon as that thought occurred to him, he felt worse.他一有那个想法,就感觉更糟了。The team has lost the last two games and, to make matters worse, two of its best players are injured.球队输了最近的两场比赛,而且更糟的是,两个最优秀的队员也受伤了。What was worse, she began to lose her mild, equable temper.更糟的是,她开始丧失温和文静的性情。Worse things remain to be told.更糟的事情留待以后再告。There's nothing worse than having wet socks.没有比穿湿袜子更糟的事情了。It's distressing enough to find a worm in your apple but finding half of one is worse.在苹果里发现一条虫子已经够让人厌恶了,如果发现半条就更糟了。To top it all, she left me with huge debts.更糟的是,她给我留下了巨额债务。Idon't know which is worse – spending Christmas alone or watching my friends get drunk.我不知道哪一个更糟,独自过圣诞节还是看着朋友们喝醉。The business could become less profitable or, even worse, could close down.该公司可能会盈利减少,更糟的是,可能倒闭。He played badly but I played even worse.他打得不好,而我打得更糟The winters here are bad, but they have nothing on the winters I remember when I was a child. 这里的冬天很不舒服,但在我的记忆中儿时的冬天比这更糟He was afraid he would be stopped by government troops or, even worse, ambushed by the Vietcong.他担心自己会受到政府军阻截,或者更糟的是遭到越共伏击。He's no better and no worse than yesterday.与昨天相比他既没变得更好也没更糟If Rick loses his job we'll be even worse off.如果里克丢了工作,我们的情况就会更糟Adding insult to injury, she threw my gift into the trash.更糟的是她把我的礼物丢进垃圾筒。Our vacation was a complete nightmare. The weather was awful and our hotel was worse.我们的度假简直是一场噩梦。天气不好,住的旅馆更糟To complicate matters further, his train is running late. 更糟的是,他搭乘的火车晚点了。The company's financial position has worsened over the past year.过去的一年里,公司的财务状况更糟了。Further neglect of the problem would worsen things.对这个问题继续抱玩忽态度, 情况就会更糟To make matters worse, I locked my keys in the car.更糟的是,我把钥匙锁在车里了。Cheer up. Things could be worse, you know.振作起来。你知道,情况本来可能会更糟Spending more money is only going to worsen the problem.花更多钱只会使问题更糟If you quit school, you will be worse off.如果辍学,你的境况会更糟I can't think of a worse way to spend my time.我想不出更糟的消磨时间的办法。Officials really boobed on handling the situation and made it worse.官员们在应对这一局面时犯了愚蠢的错误,使情况更糟了。His wife had many affairs, even, adding insult to injury, with his best friend.他的太太有很多的婚外情,更糟的是跟他最好的朋友。




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