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例句 These nerve centres generate rhythmic movements; or to be more specific, rhythmic stomach movements.这些神经中心产生有节奏的运动,或者更确切地说,是有节奏的肠胃蠕动。He explained what the Crux is, or rather, what it was.他解释了什么是南十字座,或者更确切地说,过去南十字座是什么。He described my answer as a fib, but really it was more a case of misunderstanding the question.他说我的回答是个小小的谎言,但实际上说我误解了问题才更确切My summer job certainly refined my ideas on how restaurants are run.暑期打工自然使得我对餐馆的经营管理有了更确切的了解。Our friends, that is to say our son's friends, will meet us at the airport.我们的朋友,更确切地讲是我们儿子的朋友,将在机场接我们。It was a tooth, a shark tooth, to be more specific.这是一颗牙,更确切地说,是一颗鲨鱼牙。Who is Fred anyway, or rather who was he?不管怎样,谁是弗雷德?说得更确切一点,他以前是什么人?I consider myself a liberal democrat or, to be more exact, a democratic liberal.我自认为是一个自由民主人士,或者更确切地说,是民主自由人士。Where had they learned all this, or, more pertinently, why had they remembered it?他们从哪里了解到所有这些的?或者更确切地说,他们为什么会记得这件事?I loved the place, or rather the people who lived there.我喜欢那个地方,更确切地说是喜欢住在那里的人。He needed a more accurate term to describe the procedure.他需要一个更确切的术语来描述这一过程。My father, or rather, my stepfather, will be visiting soon.我的父亲,更确切地说,我的继父,不久将到这里来做客。Can you be a bit more precise?你能不能说得更确切点?Knead the bread dough for several minutes, or, more specifically, until it forms a smooth ball.将生面团揉几分钟,更确切地说,直到它形成光滑的球状。I saw her recently, indeed yesterday.我最近见到过她,更确切地说就在昨天。We can take the car, or rather, the van.我们可以买下这辆车,更确切地说,这辆面包车。




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