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词汇 更灵
例句 We need to make the working day more flexible.我们需要更灵活地安排工作日。The management has adopted a more pliant position, and has agreed to listen to the staff's requests.管理层采取了更灵活的立场,同意听取员工的要求。Better intelligence could have possibly prevented the attack.如果情报更灵通些,这次攻击本来有可能避免。The new ships are faster and more maneuverable.这些新船速度更快、更灵活。The incident should have been handled with more tact by the police.这个事件警方应该可以处理得更灵活一些。Sending goods by road offers greater speed and flexibility.通过陆路运送货物更快、更灵活。Employees said they would prefer more flexible working hours.员工们说他们希望有更灵活的工作时间。A more flexible approach to childcare arrangements is needed.在儿童看护的安排方面需要更灵活的方法。




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