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词汇 更改了
例句 The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.由于航班提前,侦探更改了度假日期,但是这样一来就和审判冲突了。I think they were wrong, but the point is moot. Their decision has been made and it can't be changed now.我认为他们是错的,但这点已不重要了。他们已经做出决定,现在不可能更改了The government has altered its plans.政府更改了计划。I was getting so much spam mail that I changed my email address.我收到太多的垃圾电邮,于是更改了电邮地址。I changed the font size on the document.更改了文件的字号。Did you change the defaults on your email set-up?更改了电子邮件设置的默认值吗?He changed the schedule on his own responsibility.他擅自更改了日程安排。The architect yielded to critics and changed the design.建筑师听取了批评者们的意见,更改了设计。He altered his will to leave everything to his sister.更改了他的遗嘱,把全部财产都留给了他的妹妹。




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