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词汇 colouring
例句 Colour the icing with a little green food colouring.用一点点绿色食物色素给糖霜着色。The children were busy colouring in the maps they had drawn.孩子们忙着给他们画好的地图填色。Their colouring is so totally different that you would never think they were sisters.她们的头发皮肤颜色大不相同,你绝对不会想到她们是姐妹。Some children were solemnly colouring in outline pictures with chalks.几个孩子正用粉笔一本正经地给轮廓画着色。She has the same colouring as her brother.她和哥哥肤色相同。The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.外皮上的色素不能渗到葡萄汁里面去。The redwing is a bird with lovely chestnut colouring.红翼鸫是一种鸟,身体呈漂亮的栗色。On fair skin, pale shades are delicate enough not to overpower your colouring.浅色太阳镜色彩柔和,皮肤白皙的人戴上不会与肤色形成强烈的反差。The tree snake's colouring enables it to blend into the foliage.树蛇的体色使它能与绿叶混成一片。His little girl was busy colouring in her picture.他的小女儿正忙着给自己的画上色。All too often it is only the negative images of Ireland that are portrayed, colouring opinions and hiding the true nature of the country.媒体往往描绘的只是爱尔兰的负面形象,影响了大家的看法,掩盖了这个国家的真实面貌。We'd been making cakes and colouring the posters.我们一直在做蛋糕,给海报上色。Many animals can blend with their surroundings, owing to their protective colouring.由于具有保护色,许多动物能和环境融成一体。She looked away from him, colouring slightly.她有些脸红地避开了他的目光。His daughter has very dark colouring.他女儿肤色很深。He had to monitor the printing and colouring for fidelity.他得监察印刷和着色,以求精确无误。None of them had their father's dark colouring.几个孩子没有一个继承了父亲黝黑的肤色。They could not afford to spoil those maps by careless colouring.若是上色的时候不小心弄坏了那些地图,他们可承担不起。Many women begin colouring their hair in their mid-30s.很多女人在三十五岁左右开始染发。People with very light colouring need to protect themselves from the sun as they burn easily.肤色很浅的人容易被太阳灼伤,所以要保护自己免受太阳直射。This hair colouring comes in several shades.这种染发剂有几种深浅不同的颜色。The scenery was losing its bright colouring.这处景色正在失去其亮丽的色彩。Choose shades which tone in with your natural colouring.选择与你本身的肤色相衬的颜色。Marigold petals were once used for colouring butter and cheese.万寿菊的花瓣曾被用来给黄油和乳酪染色。The colouring pigments from the skins are not allowed to bleed into the grape juice.葡萄皮的色素不得渗进葡萄汁里。The new shampoo uses only natural products and is completely free from artificial colouring and preservatives.这种新的洗发水只用天然原料,不含任何人工色素和防腐剂。As a child, I could spend hours just colouring in.小时候,我会一连花几个小时来填色。




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