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词汇 coloured
例句 His opinions are heavily coloured by his own experiences.他的观点深受个人经历的影响。The cages were full of brightly- coloured tropical birds.那些笼子里有很多颜色鲜艳的热带鸟。The brightly-coloured boats ply between the islands.色彩明艳的船只往来于岛屿之间。This is a highly coloured version of events, and illustrates how stories are embellished with time.这是一个经过强力渲染的事件,表明了故事会如何随着时间被添油加醋。He checked his mirror and saw that a dark coloured van was immediately behind him.他看了一下后视镜,发现一辆深色货车紧随其后。The male is usually bigger and more brightly coloured than the female.雄性通常比雌性体型大,颜色也更鲜艳。Willie had warm coffee-coloured skin that accented a pair of huge lady-killer eyes.威利的咖啡色皮肤给人以温暖的感觉,突出了他那双令女人倾倒的大眼睛。Light-coloured clothes tend to show the dirt.淡颜色的衣服容易显脏。The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like an American pit bull terrier.这只棕黄色的狗看上去非常像美国比特犬。The children made patterns by sticking coloured shapes onto paper.孩子们把彩色图形粘贴在纸上构成图案。Personally, I don't like dark-coloured wallpaper, but you're the boss.我个人不喜欢深颜色的墙纸,但你是老板,你说了算。We've just bought a new coffee-coloured rug for the living room.我们刚买了一条咖啡色的新地毯,打算铺在客厅。He was wearing one of the brightly coloured ties that are his trademark.他戴着一条他标志性的亮色领带。She wore her wine-coloured gaberdine raincoat.她穿着她那件深红色华达呢雨衣。The formality of his dark business suit was relieved by a light-coloured tie and grey shoes.他那一身深色的常服配上浅色的领带和灰色的皮鞋就显得不那么一本正经了。Take two coloured pens and underline the positive and negative words.用两支彩笔分别在表示肯定和否定意义的词下面画线。Davies goes into raptures over the brilliantly coloured paintwork.戴维斯深深喜欢上了那幅色彩绚丽的油画作品。The farmers' market was full of brightly coloured vegetables set out on stalls.农夫市场上到处都是色泽鲜亮的蔬菜,整整齐齐地摆在摊子上。Predators have been observed to avoid attacking brightly coloured species.据观察发现,捕食性动物会避免袭击色彩鲜艳的物种。Sunset came and coloured the sky a brilliant red.日落时分,天空被染成了绚烂的红色。Its influence can make you view life through rose-coloured glasses.它会让人以过于乐观的态度看待生活。Summer came and flowers coloured the Alpine meadows.夏天来了,花朵将阿尔卑斯山的草原点缀得五彩缤纷。In warm weather, wear light-coloured clothing to reflect the heat.热天可穿浅色衣服把热量反射。There was a luridly coloured square of carpet on the floor.地板上铺着一块颜色俗丽的方毯。She was drawing a small picture with coloured chalks.她正在用彩色粉笔画一幅小图。Their garden was lit up by dozens of coloured lamps.他们的花园里点亮着许多彩灯。The dark-coloured frame shows off the painting well.深色的画框把那幅画衬托得很醒目。The soap was coloured a light blue.肥皂做成了浅蓝色。She wore a richly coloured silk dress.她穿了一件色彩绚丽的丝绸连衣裙。She adjusted her coloured head scarf fussily.她不厌其烦地整她的彩色头巾。The fisherman gave a highly coloured description of the size of the fish he caught.渔人对他捕获的鱼有多大作了极为夸张的描绘。Choose a golden-orange-coloured pineapple with undamaged leaves.挑一个叶子完好的橙黄色菠萝。You can often choose between plain white or coloured and patterned scarves.常可在纯白色或带图案的彩色围巾中作出选择。The crowd stood under a sea of brightly coloured umbrellas.人群站在鲜艳的伞海之下。All these brightly coloured hybrids are so lovely in the garden.花园里所有这些色彩鲜艳的杂交花真美丽。The square was packed, and the cobbled streets flowed with coloured petals.广场上挤满了人,鹅卵石铺就的街道上满是五颜六色的花朵。Sometimes the people doing this dance hold brightly coloured scarves.有时人们跳这种舞时手里会拿着色彩鲜艳的头巾。I'm sure my views on marriage are coloured by my parents' divorce.我对婚姻的观点肯定受到了我父母离婚一事的影响。Thousands of coloured stones studded the walls.数以千计的彩石布满墙壁。A group of women sat around talking, their multi-coloured dresses radiant.一群女士坐着聊天,她们穿的衣服色彩缤纷,令人眼花缭乱。




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