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词汇 暑期
例句 Keen skiers are happy to forego a summer holiday to go skiing.滑雪爱好者乐于利用暑期假日去滑雪。When I finish classes, I'm hoping to land a summer job as a chef's apprentice.我上完这些培训班之后,希望能谋得一份给厨师当学徒的暑期工。We chatted about our plans for the summer.我们闲聊暑期计划。Students were given a summer reading list.学生们拿到了一份暑期阅读书单。Our biggest expense this year was our summer holiday.我们今年最大的开销就是暑期度假。The college students spent their summer logging in the wood.大学生们利用暑期在森林中伐木。She subleased her apartment to a student for the summer.暑期把公寓转租给一个学生。They want their daughter to go to university, but they are also keen that she get a summer job.他们想要女儿上大学,但也希望她能打一份暑期工。I need someone to sublet my apartment for the summer.我需要暑期把我的公寓租出去。The government hopes to force through legislation before Parliament's summer break.政府希望在议会暑期休会前强行通过立法。As soon as school ends she'll start her summer job.学期一结束,她就开始打暑期工。He runs a summer history workshop.他开办一个暑期历史研究班。Debbie has a summer job clerking in an office.戴比暑期在一家办事处当文书。My summer job certainly refined my ideas on how restaurants are run.暑期打工自然使得我对餐馆的经营管理有了更确切的了解。My kids have summer math packets from their schools.我的孩子有从学校带回来的暑期数学作业要做。Working odd summer jobs has been the sum of my experience so far. 暑期打零工就是我至今为止的全部工作经历。I'm looking for a sublet since I'm only going to be here for the summer.我正在找一间转租房,因为我只打算在这里过暑期Microsoft came to Harvard Business School to recruit summer interns.微软公司来到哈佛商学院招募暑期实习生。She spent her vacation watching summer reruns.她看暑期重播节目度过了她的假期。He maintained his southern connection through summer visits with his relatives.他通过暑期拜访亲戚保持与南方的联系。I'll have to forgo my vacation in order to attend a summer Chinese course.为了参加暑期中文班我只好放弃暑假。The students had improved enough after summer school to be promoted to 4th grade.这些学生在暑期补习班提高了很多,有资格升入四年级了。Parliament returns from its summer recess next week.议会的暑期休会下周即将结束。During summer vacations some teachers attend seminars at colleges.暑期里,一些教师在学院参加研究班。She sublet her apartment to a student for the summer.暑期把公寓转租给一个学生。Some of the students went to summer sessions to accelerate.有几个学生参加了暑期学习班。




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