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词汇 暂停
例句 President Fujimori suspended Congress and the judiciary.总统藤森暂停了国会和司法机构的日常活动。Lawyers acting for the defendant asked for her case to be adjourned while they examined new evidence.代表被告的律师要求在他们调查新证据期间暂停审理她的案子。The hearings have now recessed for dinner.现在是晚餐时间,听证会暂停We have decided to suspend all production at the factory until safety checks can be carried out.我们决定暂停工厂所有的生产活动,直到完成安全检查。We stopped the movie to grab some snacks.我们暂停了电影去拿些零食。Half of the museum was closed off while they made the changes.博物馆整修期间,一半的场馆区域暂停开放。Senna was winning when the race was brought to a halt because of a crash.比赛因撞车暂停时,塞纳正领先。Proceedings were adjourned sine die.议程暂停,未决定后续日期。Ministers took the floor to denounce the decision to suspend constitutional rule.几位部长发言谴责暂停宪制的决定。We interrupt this program to bring you a special announcement.我们暂停这个节目,为您插播一则特别通告。The coach called time.教练请求暂停Unless there has been a last-minute hold, the spacecraft should now be on its way.除非在发射前的最后一分钟暂停,不然航天器现在应该在飞行中了。Production was halted until repairs could be effected.生产已经暂停,直至修复工作完成。All mail deliveries were suspended during the strike.罢工期间所有邮件暂停递送。Building has stopped while the dispute is being resolved.解决纠纷期间,建筑施工暂停了。The UN has suspended relief flights because of shelling around the airport.由于机场附近遭炮击,联合国暂停了救援飞行。Filming was halted after the lead actor became ill.主演生病后,拍摄便暂停了。Sales of the drug will be suspended until more tests are completed.这种药品在完成进一步检验之前将暂停销售。The city closed off the beach to tourists.这座城市暂停向游客开放海滩。The coach called a time-out to calm down the players.教练叫了暂停,让队员们平静一下。I think her suspension from the team was a very harsh punishment.我认为她被暂停参加队的比赛是很严厉的处罚。There's been a letup in the fighting.战斗过程中有过暂停The House voted to impose a one-year moratorium on nuclear testing.议院经投票决定暂停核试验一年。The meeting agreed to extend the moratorium on the building of new warships.会上同意将新军舰建造工程暂停的时间延长。The Lawn Tennis Association suspended Mr Castle from the British team.草地网球协会暂停了卡斯尔先生在英国队的职务。The company's activities have been suspended.公司的行动已被暂停It is now possible to pause and rewind live television.让实况转播节目暂停或是倒回去重放现在都是可能的了。They've decided to hold all future deliveries until the invoice has been paid.他们决定,在对方付清发货清单上的货款之前,暂停所有未来的交货。The weekly market is back in business after its winter break.每周的集市在冬天的暂停后又恢复正常。My driving was suspended for ignoring a red light.我因为闯红灯而被罚暂停驾驶。The museum has been temporarily closed to the public.博物馆暂停向公众开放。He has been suspended from practice.他被暂停执业。He's going to give football a rest for a while.他要暂停一阵子不踢足球了。Let's stop for now and start anew in the morning.我们现在暂停,明早再开始吧。They decided to remit their search for the missing man till daylight.他们决定暂停寻找失踪者,等天亮再说。He let slip that he had information that could lead to the freeing of men in jail. He expanded, and we ran a story in Time Out.他无意中透露出他掌握了一些信息,可以让犯人们得以释放。他详细说明情况,我们将其报道在《暂停》周刊上。The government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助。Work on the project was halted.这项工程暂停了。The banks temporarily halted the legal proceedings.各家银行暂停了法律诉讼。We stopped the washing machine before the spin cycle.脱水前我们让洗衣机暂停




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