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词汇 晴朗
例句 We're expecting a spell of sunshine.我们盼望晴朗的天气。It's just about possible to see the planet with the naked eye on a clear night.晴朗的夜晚,用肉眼看到这颗行星也是有可能的。On a clear day you can see the temple in the distance.晴朗的日子里,远处的庙宇清晰可见。For weeks we had cloudless blue skies.好几个星期以来,我们这里的天空都是晴朗无云,一片湛蓝。We would sleep out on fine nights and inn it when it was wet.晴朗的夜晚我们在户外露宿,遇上雨天就住客栈。There were some patches of clear blue sky.天空中有几处晴朗蔚蓝的地方。It's going to be a hot, sunny day.今天将是炎热、晴朗的一天。The skies were clear and blue.天空晴朗,一片蔚蓝。The weather was surprisingly warm and sunny.天气意外地暖和晴朗Darkness has now descended and the moon and stars shine hazily in the clear sky.夜幕现在已经降临,晴朗的天空里月影婆娑,星光朦胧。The outlook for the weekend is for continued sunny weather.周末的天气预测是继续晴朗的天气。We've been having such beautiful weather lately.最近的天气一直晴朗宜人。The wind had veered to north, bringing clear skies and a keen frost.风向已经转北,带来了晴朗的天空和严重的霜冻。The day promised to be bright and warm.今天很可能是晴朗暖和的一天。The forecast said it would be fine and dry today.天气预报说今天天气晴朗干燥。The flowers only open during bright weather.这种花只在晴朗的天气里开放。The weather will be warm and sunny for most of the week.这周绝大部分的时候将是晴朗和煦的天气。Fair weather was the rule yesterday.昨日天气普遍晴朗The night was clear and the stars were out.夜空晴朗,星星都出来了。It was cool and sunny when we left this morning.我们早上走的时候天气凉爽而且晴朗Sunny weather helped boost the turnout at Sunday's rally.晴朗的天气使得星期天集会的人数有所增加。I wear blue-tinted glasses on sunny days.晴朗的日子里,我戴蓝色眼镜。The sky was clear and studded with stars.夜空晴朗,繁星点点。On a clear day, you can see Mount Fuji from Tokyo.晴朗的天气,在东京都能看到富士山。Isn't it a beautiful day?难道这不是晴朗宜人的一天吗?Dawn broke on a fine, crisp morning.天破晓了,唤来一个晴朗清新的早晨。The sun rose higher in a clear blue sky.太阳在晴朗的蓝天中升得更高了。I would rather stare at a clear, star-filled sky than a TV set.我宁可凝视繁星满天的晴朗夜空也不愿盯着电视机。The weather forecast is for a dry sunny day tomorrow.天气预报说明天天气干燥晴朗The stars twinkled in the clear sky.星星在晴朗的夜空中闪烁。The weather was lovely and sunny.天气非常晴朗The night was dry and clear.夜晚干燥晴朗The weather is usually dry and sunny at this time of year.每年这个时候的天气通常晴朗干燥,阳光明媚。On a clear day you can see the French coast.晴朗的日子里,你可以看到法国海岸。Clear skies mean that it will be a cold night.天空晴朗无云说明晚间会冷。You can see thousands of stars on a clear night.晴朗的夜空,你能看到成千上万的星星。The sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky.阳光明媚,天空晴朗无云。There were swallows in the cloudless blue sky.一些燕子在晴朗无云的蓝天中飞翔。The sky was a brilliant, cloudless blue.天空晴朗无云,一片蔚蓝。The day was warm and cloudless.天气温暖而晴朗




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