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词汇 aboard
例句 The passengers clambered aboard.乘客们吃力地登上了轮船。The book includes a wealth of detail on living conditions aboard ships at that time.这本书包含了大量关于那个时代出海船只上生活条件的详细情况。The Captain and crew welcome you aboard.机长和全体机组人员欢迎各位乘坐本次航班。The ship's crew saluted the President as he came aboard.总统登上船时,船员向他致敬。A large stash of drugs has been found aboard the yacht.在游艇上发现了一个很大的毒品藏匿室。A group of men, some in military uniform, climbed aboard the plane.一群男子,有些还穿着军服,爬上了飞机。An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like aboard a sailing ship.视听展览让参观者得以了解在航行中的船上生活是什么样子。Sail to Greece aboard the SS Monterey.乘船去希腊旅行的乘客请上圣蒙特雷号。The two girls went riding together aboard a horse's back.两个女孩一起骑在马背上出游。We all clambered aboard and the boat pulled out.我们都艰难地登上船后,船就开了。There is a lot of interest in carrying out experiments in the weightless conditions which are experienced aboard space stations.在空间站那种失重状态下做实验非常有趣。Joseph watched a shady-looking bunch playing cards aboard a Mississippi steamer.约瑟夫看到一群可疑的人在密西西比河的一艘轮船上打牌。The film tells the story of a mutiny aboard a slave ship.影片讲述的是发生在一艘贩奴船上的哗变。Ships with unfurled sails wait to take them aboard.船只扬起风帆,等待他们上船。He has never ridden aboard a cruise ship.他还从未乘坐过游轮。The flight attendant welcomed us aboard.乘务员迎候我们登机。The passengers were led onto/aboard the ship by the steward.乘客们在乘务员的引领下登船。He's very impressed with your credentials; he'd like you aboard.他对你的资历印象非常深,很想拉你来参加工作。He is coming aboard as guest editor to enliven the magazine's pages.他受邀加盟担任特约编辑以使该杂志内容更加生动有趣。There were two chests of gold aboard that ship.船上有两大箱金子。As the ship berthed in New York, McClintock was with the first immigration officers aboard.船停靠在纽约后,麦克林托克和第一批移民局官员登上了船。One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military.他们中间的一个人登上了小讲台,开始跟当地人讲军队为什么应该允许招募同性恋者。New employees coming aboard in the last six weeks have not been tested.最近六个星期内来的新雇员没有经过考查。He climbed aboard just as the train was leaving.他刚上火车,火车就开了。All passengers aboard fell into the river.船上所有乘客皆落入河中。Everyone aboard the ship perished when it sank off the coast of Maine.船在缅因州海岸沉没,船上所有人都遇难了。The most junior executive officer outranked the senior engineer officer aboard ship.在舰船上,级别最低的副舰长也位列级别最高的轮机官之上。They threatened immolation if they were not put aboard the ship.他们扬言如果不让他们上船就要自杀。It's time to get aboard.该上船了。It had taken two hours to load all the people aboard.花了两个钟头才使所有人都上了船。No-one else was aboard the plane.飞机上别无他人。All aboard were in grave peril of drowning.船上所有的人都面临被淹死的巨大危险。He put her aboard a steamer bound for New York.他把她送上了一艘驶向纽约的汽船。The crew welcomed us aboard.乘务人员欢迎我们登机。Uncle George quickly descended the ladder and nimbly stepped aboard.乔治叔叔迅速爬下梯子,动作轻快地上了船。The captain of the ship invited us to come aboard.船长邀请我们上船。Take these pamphlets with you to distribute aboard ship. They may bring results.把这些小册子带到船上去发,它们可能产生积极的效果。She was lifted bodily aboard by two sailors.两名水手将她整个儿抱起抬到了船上。Many firms are waiting for conditions to improve before they welcome any new employee aboard.许多公司都在等待条件改善,然后才能欢迎新雇员加入。Once aboard we were soon helpless with laughter at the absurdity of it.一上飞机我们就按捺不住,大笑起这事的荒唐。




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