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Dinner was taken late owing to a slow oven.因为炉子不旺,晚餐用得迟了。I'll get some chuck for dinner.我要买些牛肩胛肉做晚餐。Each person made a dish for the potluck supper.每个人都做了一道菜,带到百味晚餐上来。I'm afraid I made a pig of myself at dinner.恐怕我晚餐时吃得太多了。The dinner is provided for free.晚餐是免费供应的。We'll split the cost of the dinner between us.我们将均分晚餐的费用。We need some meat and stuff for dinner.我们需要一些肉和其他东西来准备晚餐。I think I'll make fish pie for supper.我想晚餐我来做鱼馅饼。She dished the dinner.她把晚餐装盘。Rose left the room, ostensibly to explain about dinner to the cook.罗斯离开了房间,表面上是去向厨师交代准备晚餐的事。Sarah picked at a plate of cheese for supper, but wasn't really hungry.萨拉晚餐时吃了一盘奶酪,但她并没有真觉得饿。For a romantic dinner, candles are just the ticket.蜡烛正是一顿浪漫晚餐所需要的。The cat leapt onto the kitchen counter and gobbled up the smoked salmon intended for dinner.那只猫跳上厨房的料理台,把原本备作晚餐的烟熏三文鱼吃了个精光。The dinner was enough to satiate the gourmets.晚餐足以让美食家大饱口福。The candles and light jazz music added a nice touch to their dinner together.烛光和轻柔的爵士乐为他们的晚餐添色。She made us a really nice dinner.她给我们做了一顿很丰富的晚餐。Shall we have steak for dinner?我们晚餐吃牛排好吗?We sat down to a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings.我们坐下来享用具有各种花色配菜的圣诞节晚餐。He generously insisted on paying for dinner.他很大方地坚持为晚餐买单。I'm in a bit of a predicament because I've accidentally accepted two invitations to dinner on the same night.我有些左右为难,因为我无意间接受了同一天晚上两个晚餐的邀请。He threw some dinner together for his friends.他匆匆为朋友们准备了些晚餐。I had too much wine at supper.晚餐时我喝了太多的葡萄酒。He'd finished his dinner and now there was a look of perfect content on his face.他吃完了晚餐,现在脸上露出了满意的表情。That was quite a spread they put on last night.昨晚他们的晚餐真丰盛。For our anniversary we allowed ourselves the indulgence of an elegant dinner at our favorite restaurant.为庆祝结婚周年,我们到最喜欢的饭店享受了一顿上好的晚餐。He jokingly referred to dinner as a Hobson's choice between soup and salad or salad and soup.他开玩笑地说晚餐完全没有选择余地,永远是汤和沙拉或者沙拉和汤。She goes out to dinner quite regularly.她经常去外面用晚餐。We had chicken for dinner.晚餐我们吃了鸡肉。I could count the number of times he's paid for dinner on the fingers of one hand.他付晚餐费用的次数屈指可数。The remnants of last night's meal were still on the table.昨天晚餐的剩菜还摆在桌子上。Enjoy your dinner.请享用您的晚餐。After dinner, we repaired to the lounge for coffee.晚餐后,我们一起去了酒吧雅间喝咖啡。At supper, everyone was in high spirits.晚餐时,每个人都兴致勃勃。We decided to splurge on a bottle of good wine for dinner.我们决定挥霍一下,买瓶好酒晚餐时喝。Please ask them what they want for dinner.请问问他们晚餐想吃什么。He had a snack to tide himself over until dinner.他吃了点儿点心垫一垫,以撑到晚餐。I wanted to buy him dinner, but he insisted on paying his own way.我想替他支付晚餐费用,但是他坚持自己付钱。Finish up your dinner and you can have dessert.把晚餐吃完你就可以吃甜点了。I'm doing chicken for dinner tonight.今晚晚餐我要做鸡。Why don't we just split a pizza for dinner?我们分块比萨饼当晚餐吧。 |