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词汇 显露
例句 Nature has invested these animals with a capacity for not showing fear.自然界赋予了这些动物一种不显露恐惧的本领。Her ability is already apparent in early films.她的才能在早期的电影中已经显露无遗。Her worry showed in her eyes.她的眼神显露忧愁。Her declination to lend you money showed her penurious nature.她拒绝借钱给你就显露了她吝啬的本质。A doctor who had treated an Ebola patient may have been symptomatic when he boarded the plane. 一位曾治疗过埃博拉患者的医生在登机时可能已显露症状。Mary wore loose clothes that did not show off her figure.玛丽穿宽松衣服,这样显露不出她的姣好身材。The actor phoned in his performance without a hint of personality.这个演员自然而然地表演,没有显露半点自己。Competitive games bring out my aggressive side.竞技性的比赛显露了我好强的一面。We aim to give every student the opportunity to excel.我们的目的在于给每位学生提供一个显露身手的机会。His real intention was thrown out plainly by his silence.他的沉默倒是清楚地显露了他的真实意图。Her inner beauty will shine through.她的内在美显露无遗。Life would be only a series of such sorry revelations for him.对他说来,生活将只是一次又一次类似令人无奈又悲哀的真相的显露Her enthusiasm for the idea really came through.她对这个想法的热情真的显露无遗。He displayed determination as well as powerful oratory.他既展示出震撼人心的雄辩术,又显露了矢志不移的决心。The lights showed faintly through the mist.灯光在雾中隐隐显露She stared at him in open admiration.她盯着他看,钦佩之情显露无遗。The sunlight created an aura of beauty around her.阳光使她浑身显露着美感。The white seat covers showed up every speck of dirt.白色的座套使每一处污迹都显露无遗。Their talk is often hard to fathom but their exuberance still comes through.他们的谈话往往很难懂,但他们的兴奋之情还是显露了出来。Just over each temple there were little blue veins.就在两鬓太阳穴上面显露著青色的细小静脉。She cracked a smile that told her joy.她绽出笑容,显露内心的欢乐。The surfboard riders displayed their tanned physiques.冲浪运动员显露他们被晒成棕褐色的身躯。At school she was a late developer, and it wasn't until she went to university that her talents became apparent.上中学的时候她的接受能力较差,直到上大学时她的才华才得以显露Perlman's musical talents shone through at an early age.珀尔曼的音乐才华在他早年就已显露无遗。She slammed the door behind her in a display of ill-temper.她砰的一声摔上门,火暴脾气显露无遗。




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