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词汇 星球
例句 One day man may travel to the stars.总有一天人类会遨游星球The characters are convinced that they're on another planet, but the audience is in on the joke. 这些剧中人物坚信他们是在另一个星球上,但观众知道这只是个玩笑。There are lots of ways of annihilating the planet.有多种方式可以灭绝这个星球上的生物。This view of Earth represents a sea change in our perceptions of our planet.这种地球观代表了我们对自己星球认识的巨变。Do you genuinely believe that space aliens have landed on our planet?你真的相信外星人来过我们的星球吗?We need to safeguard our planet's future.我们需要保卫我们星球的未来。Venus is Earth's nearest neighbor.金星是离地球最近的星球It is possible that life exists on other planets.其他星球上也可能有生命存在。Man's own greed will be the destruction of the planet.人类自身的贪婪将摧毁这个星球The telescope has photographed jets of gas shooting out from the distant star.望远镜已经拍下了那颗遥远星球喷射出气流的影像。The question of whether life exists on other planets preoccupied the boy's mind.那男孩心中老是想著其他星球上是否存在生命这一问题。Many scientists have theorized about/on the possibility of life on other planets.许多科学家从理论上说明了其他星球存在生命的可能性。The planet we live on flatly refuses to obey the laws of physics.我们所生活的这个星球完全拒绝遵循物理学法则。It's a science fiction story about people being taken to another planet as prisoners.这是一部讲述人们作为囚犯被带到另一个星球的科幻小说。Venus is one of Earth's nearest neighbours.金星是离地球最近的星球之一。Will we ever find intelligent life on other planets?我们能在其他星球上发现智能生物吗?As a planet, the moon has a higher luminosity than most other planets.作为一个星球,月亮的光度非常高。Its rings were discovered by telescope from Earth, but space probes later found that spectacular rings surround some other planets.它的圆环是从地球上用望远镜发现的,但是太空探测器后来又发现了围绕其他一些星球的壮观的圆环。The greatest damage being done to our planet today is that being done by humans.如今对我们星球的最大破坏来自于我们人类。The writer evokes a nightmare vision of a future on a polluted planet.作者描画了未来遭受污染的星球上噩梦般的场景。Many many years ago, glaciers imprisoned much of our planet's water.许许多多年以前,冰川把我们这个星球的大部分水源给堵塞了。Space is filled with unknown stars and uncharted galaxies.宇宙中满是未知的星球和未标明的星系。The planet showed no signs of life. 那个星球上没有生命迹象。Ordinarily, spectral patterns were well understood fingerprints for identifying chemical elements in the stars.光谱图型通常是鉴别星球上化学元素特征的人所熟知的依据。These are just some of the elements that occur on our planet.这些只是在我们星球上发现的部分元素。There is no positive proof that life exists on other planets.没有确凿证据证明其他星球上存在生命。Hobart is convinced that there are life forms on other planets.霍巴特确信其他星球上也有生物存在。The film is about a set of aliens living on a doomed planet.该影片讲述一群生活在注定要遭难的星球上的外星人。There has always been a lot of interest in the question of life on other planets.人们对其他星球上是否有生命的问题总是深感兴趣。It is probable that life exists outside of our planet.在我们星球之外的地方可能还存在着生命。The book is entitled The War of the Worlds.这本书名为《星球之战》。Scientists have postulated the existence of water on the planet.科学家们假定这个星球上有水存在。Astrometry is the branch of astronomy that studies the positions and movements of stars and other celestial bodies.天体测量学是研究各个星球的位置和它们的运动的学问。Is there any other intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos?在宇宙的其他星球上还存在别的有智慧的生物吗? We have literally altered the chemistry of our planet's atmosphere.我们已经真正改变了我们所在星球的大气化学结构。Astro-scientists discovered the existence of organisms on this planet.太空科学家在这个星球上发现了有机体的存在。Worldwide pollution threatens to make the planet uninhabitable.全球性的污染正威胁着这个星球使之不再适于居住。There may be other intelligent life elsewhere in the cosmos.在宇宙的其他星球上也许存在着别的智能生命。Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.环境保护主义者并非想在政治上争个对错——他们仅仅想拯救这个星球而已。The newly discovered planets around distant stars are similar to Jupiter in size.远处星球附近新发现的一些行星和木星差不多大小。




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