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词汇 明目张胆
例句 The supporters are being shadowed by a large and highly visible body of police.拥护者们被大队警察明目张胆地跟踪。They have flagrantly violated the treaty.他们明目张胆地违反条约。She had blatantly copied the text from another book.明目张胆地抄袭了另一本书的文字。They said the song blatantly encouraged the killing of policemen.他们说这首歌明目张胆地煽动杀害警察。It represents a gross misuse of power.这是明目张胆地滥用权力。These gangs operate with apparent impunity.这些团伙明目张胆地活动,却不受任何惩罚。For over six years, the mayor and his cronies have flagrantly misused public funds.六年多以来,市长和他的同僚一直明目张胆地滥用公款。His rank dishonesty makes it impossible to trust him.明目张胆的欺诈行为使人不可能信任他。This is a flagrant misquotation of what he wrote.这是对他的著作明目张胆的乱加引证。You see kids openly smoking in the streets.可以看见孩子们在街上明目张胆地吸烟。These poems are rank imitations of Keats.这些诗明目张胆地模仿济慈。I never saw such a glaring example of misrepresentation.我从未见过像这样明目张胆地歪曲事实。The report is a deliberate and obvious attempt to mislead.这份报告是在故意而且明目张胆地误导。He blatantly elbowed Harding in the eye.明目张胆地肘击哈丁的眼部。They're just ripping the fans off; it's daylight robbery.他们这是在盘剥歌迷,简直是明目张胆的打劫。




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