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词汇 College
例句 Jeremy is now at Dartmouth College, where his father also studied.杰里米现在就读于达特茅斯学院,他父亲也曾在那儿学习过。A photographic exhibition opens at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday.星期三一个摄影展在皇家艺术学院开幕。Trinity College is an Equal Opportunities Employer.三一学院是个给予均等机会的雇主。Georgia's a fellow of Clare College, Cambridge.乔治娅是剑桥大学克莱尔学院的研究员。Two local high school hoopster have been selected for the All-Canada evaluation camp this weekend at Humber College in Toronto.有两个本地高中篮球运动员入选了本周在多伦多汉博学院举办的全加拿大篮球评价营。We played rugger together at College.我们上大学时一起玩过橄榄球。We lost against Albyn College.我们输给了阿尔宾学院。College football coaches spend a lot of time recruiting high school athletes.大学橄榄球教练花大量时间选拔高中生球员。A recent open meeting of College members revealed widespread dissatisfaction.最近的一次学会成员公开会上,大家普遍流露出不满情绪。For many years Dr Thornton lectured in Economics at University College.很多年来,桑顿博士在大学学院里教经济学。He's the warden of Robinson College, Cambridge.他是剑桥大学罗宾逊学院的院长。College students already are being nicked, but probably don't realize it.大学生已经上了当,但他们或许还没有意识到。Admitted to Mills College on a full scholarship, she graduated Phi Beta Kappa without a penny of help from her parents.她以全额奖学金被米尔斯学院录取后,又以优等生的荣誉毕了业,没有靠父母一分钱的帮助。He is now a professor of economics at Western New England College in Springfield, Massachusetts.他现在是西新英格兰学院的经济学教授,该学院位于马萨诸塞州的斯普林菲尔德。College gave her a chance to spread her wings.大学给她一个变得更加独立和自信的机会。A new centre for research on toxic waste was inaugurated today at Imperial College.新建的有毒废物研究中心今天在皇家学院举行落成典礼。College baseball teams across the country are powering up for the new season.全国各大学棒球队正在为新赛季积极备战。The boffins of Imperial College in London think they may have found a solution.伦敦帝国理工学院的科研人员认为他们可能已经找到了解决办法。The grandly named European Cricketer Cup is based at Worksop College.名头响当当的欧洲板球运动员杯比赛实际在沃克索普私立中学举行。Her father allowed her to try for the Royal College of Art.她父亲准许她报考英国皇家艺术学院。College students work at a camp for kids from the inner city, leading craft activities and sports competitions.大学生们在一个为来自旧城区的儿童组织的活动营地里工作,带领他们做手工艺活,进行体育比赛。I went to Mount Holyoke College.我读的是曼荷莲学院。Eleanor plans to go to Southwestern Community College this fall.伊琳诺打算今年秋天去上西南社区大学。The Master of St. John's College will be launching the appeal.圣约翰学院的院长将发出呼吁。College seems half a lifetime away.大学好像是上半辈子的事了。After the war he resumed his duties at Emmanuel College.战争过后,他重新开始了在伊曼纽尔学院的工作。Atkin taught political theory at Hunter College.阿特金在亨特学院教政治理论。He was matriculated at St. John's College, Cambridge.他被剑桥大学圣约翰学院录取了。Oberlin College has a large gay, lesbian, and bisexual student group.奥伯林学院有一个很大的男女同性恋和双性恋学生群体。Cheltenham Ladies' College切尔滕纳姆女子公学I majored in psychology at Hunter College.在亨特学院求学时,我主修心理学。College will broaden your horizons.大学能开阔你的视野。He was educated at Balliol College, Oxford.他上的是牛津大学的贝利奥尔学院。The grandly named European Cricketer Cup is based at Worksop College.名字叫得响当当的欧洲板球运动员杯实际在沃克索普私立中学举行。College football coaches spend a lot of time recruiting.大学橄榄球教练花大量时间做招募工作。College evening classes cost a bundle.大学的夜间课程很昂贵。Karen goes to Daley College.卡伦上的是戴利学院。Lawrence promised full commitment in his drive to make Santa Barbara College the most successful school in the region.劳伦斯承诺会尽全力让圣巴巴拉学院成为本地区最成功的大学。The College is affiliated to the University.该学院附属于该大学。The Book of Kells is Trinity College's greatest treasure.《凯尔经》是三一学院最珍贵的宝物。




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