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词汇 collectors
例句 So far, the refuse collectors have not resorted to a strike but are working to rule.迄今为止,清洁工人们还没有进行罢工,只是严格按章工作变相怠工。Among the collectors of science fiction, he is a completist.在收集科学幻想小说的人中,他是一个求全主义者。They were insatiable collectors.他们是贪得无厌的征税员。The debt-collectors took all his money, and he was left completely penniless.收债人拿走了他所有的钱,他身无分文了。His work is much sought after by collectors.他的作品在收藏家们那里很抢手。The items/objects are highly valued by collectors.这些物件受到收藏家的高度重视。The gallery was full of art collectors and dealers.画廊里全是艺术品收藏家和画商。Pinball machines are very much in demand by collectors of Americana.弹球机在美国文物收藏者中间是炙手可热的藏品。Military figures, made out of lead are prized by collectors.收藏家们对铅铸的军人塑像视若珍宝。A relatively small group of collectors drives the art market.一群数目不多的收藏家驱动着艺术品市场。They buy paintings at auctions, mark them up, and then resell them at a vast profit to collectors.他们在拍卖会上购买画作,再加价转手卖给收藏家,赚取高额利润。Military figures made out of lead are prized by collectors.收藏家对铅铸的军人塑像视若珍宝。Physicians, architects, and garbage collectors equally sell personal service.医生、建筑师和垃圾工人都是一样出售劳务。The trash collectors came early today.收垃圾的人今天来得早。These rare books hold special allure for collectors.这些珍本书对收藏者特别有吸引力。A lot of people gave money to the charity collectors, not realising it was a con.许多人把钱捐给慈善募集者,而没意识到这是场骗局。Britain's rarest breeding birds are under threat from fanatical and selfish egg collectors.英国最珍贵的种鸟正因为那些狂热而自私的鸟蛋收集者而面临着威胁。Shell collectors find the ocean beaches happy hunting grounds.海滩是收集贝壳者的丰收乐园。Madeira used to be a happy hunting ground for antique collectors.马代拉曾经是古董收藏者的乐园。The dolls are real collectors' items.这些玩具娃娃真是珍藏品。This is the only book for serious collectors.对于真正爱好收藏的收藏者来说,这本书是不二之选。




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