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词汇 时光
例句 Adults like to tell children that their schooldays are the happiest days of their life.成年人喜欢对孩子们说上学那些年是他们一生当中最美好的时光We spent an enjoyable evening chatting about old times.我们畅谈着昔日时光,度过了愉快的一晚。My grandmother was a tough old lady, who lived through some very hard times.我祖母是个坚强的老太太,经历了一些极艰难的时光He and his old friends from college went back to the bar for old times' sake.他和几个大学时期的老友回到酒吧,重温往日时光If I could turn the clock back, I don't think I'd study law again.要是我能让时光倒转,我想我不会去学法律。I had a whale of a time in Birmingham.我在伯明翰度过了一段非常快乐的时光We talked about the olden days on his farm.我们聊起了在他农场度过的那段往昔时光We had an awesome time at the concert.我们在音乐会上度过了一段美好的时光His time in India imbued him with a deep love of the country.他在印度的时光使他满怀对这个国度的热爱。He was instantly reminded of the time he and Edna had visited Paris.这使他立刻想起与埃德娜游览巴黎的时光I was overwhelmed with longing for those innocent days of early childhood.我内心充满着对早年纯真的童年时光的怀念。Near him, I could almost believe I still inhabited my old days.在他身边,我几乎可以认为自己仍生活在旧日时光之中。The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore.这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。Children are losing their childhoods so fast.孩子们的童年时光很快就要过去了。They were happy once, but that time has passed. 他们曾经很幸福,但那样的时光已经过去了。As a marine biology researcher, he spent most of his time exploring the briny.作为一个海洋生物学的研究员,他一生中大半的时光都在控索海洋。They had to weather some difficult times in the early years of their marriage.在婚后的最初几年里,他们不得不度过一段困难的时光They pottered the day away.他们消磨了一天的时光We got talking about the old days.我们开始谈起了过去的时光?。He missed having good friends.他怀念曾经拥有好朋友的时光We spent three relaxing days at the beach.我们在海滩度过了三天轻松的时光I cherish the memories of the time we spent together.我怀念我们共同度过的时光We chatted about old times.我们聊了过去的时光We had a perfectly divine time in Switzerland.我们在瑞士度过了一段非常美好的时光The singer enjoyed a short stint at number one.这位歌手拥有一段排名第一的短暂时光I'm sure my university days seem happier in retrospect than they really were.我敢说,回顾我的大学时光,看起来肯定要比当时实际生活幸福。We had such a good time at the party!我们在这次聚会上度过了非常愉快的时光When she was promoted, she missed the day-to-day involvement with customers.升职以后她很怀念以前每天与顾客打交道的时光I didn't travel much in my twenties but I'm certainly making up for lost time now.我二十多岁时旅行不多,但现在无疑是在弥补失去的时光It's been a testing time for all of us.这对我们所有人来说都是一段难熬的时光Woodhead spent part of his childhood in Rhodesia.伍德黑德在罗得西亚度过了部分童年时光She loved to talk nostalgically about the old times in her homeland.她喜欢带着怀旧情绪谈论在家乡时的旧时光She's had a rough life/year/time.她有过一段艰难的生活/岁月/时光If only we could roll back the years.要是我们能让时光重来就好了。We had a lush time on my birthday.我生日那天,我们共度了一段美好的时光He grew increasingly bad-tempered as the afternoon wore on.随着下午的时光一点点过去,他的脾气也越来越坏。One day seemed to flow into the next.时光一天天地流过。We talked pleasantly of old times.我们愉快地谈着过去的时光We got talking about old times.我们开始谈起过去的时光Ralph vegged out in front of the TV all day again.拉尔夫又整天坐在电视机前打发时光了。




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