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词汇 早春
例句 We'll sow in the early spring.我们要在早春播种。It has pretty pale yellow flowers in early spring.早春它会开出漂亮的淡黄色花朵。It was early spring, and the trees were just starting to put out their leaves.那时正值早春,树上开始冒出新叶。Hyacinth bulbs planted in pots now will flower early in the spring.如果现在种在花盆里,风信子的球茎会在早春开花。The plants flower in early spring.这些植物在早春开花。Ravens nest very early in the spring and they pair off in the late autumn.渡鸦早春筑巢,晚秋交配。Prune the trees in the early spring.早春修剪一下树木吧。Cherry trees bloom in early spring.樱树于早春开花。A blanket of snow had buried the first few flowers of spring.厚厚的一层雪盖住了寥寥几朵早春的花。It was a cold, sunny day in early spring.那是早春时一个寒冷的晴天。I worm all my birds in early spring.早春的时候我给我所有的鸟打虫。This tree flowers in early spring.这棵树早春开花。Early spring flowers were peeping through the snow.早春的花儿从雪中探出头来。It's a tall plant with striking red flowers in early spring.它是一种高高的植物,早春开鲜艳夺目的红花。




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