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词汇 无谓
例句 The defence conceded stupid goals through sheer carelessness.防守队员完全因为粗心大意而造成了无谓的失球。The country was dragged into a useless war.那国家被拖入了一场无谓的战争。No one was unnecessarily put to the sword or wantonly wounded.没有无谓的杀戮和恣意伤害行为。It seems to me that he is being given an unnecessarily rough ride.在我看来他正遭无谓的折腾。The network refused to televise the film because it contained too much gratuitous violence.这家电视网络公司拒绝播放这部影片,因为它含有太多无谓的暴力。The killings were an act of mindless brutality.这些杀人事件是无谓的野蛮行为。The movie is contrived, sentimental and gratuitously violent.这部电影矫揉造作、故作伤感,还充斥着无谓的暴力镜头。Do not exert yourself unnecessarily.不要做无谓的努力。The women were making a fuss over nothing.这些女人是在无谓地小题大做。Rather than giving in and losing face, she carried on her needless quarrel with her father.她不想作出让步失掉面子,就继续无谓地和父亲吵下去。As far as I'm concerned, she's copped out and joined the rat race.在我看来,她放弃了自己应该做的事,为了常规的工作而无谓奔忙。Their argument got to the stage of pointless bad temper.他们的争论达到了无谓吵闹的地步。It was a needless duplication of work. 这是无谓的重复劳动。Lenders rely on the misplaced loyalty of existing borrowers to make their profit.放款人依靠现有借款人的无谓忠诚来谋利。Her death seemed such a senseless waste of life.她的死好像就是无谓地浪费生命。We don't want to duplicate the work of the official inquiry.我们不想无谓地重复进行官方调查。They fell out over some stupid little issue.他们为一些无谓的小事闹翻了。Would America be sucked into an unwanted war?美国会卷入一场无谓的战争吗?It was a senseless and cruel murder.这是一桩无谓而残酷的凶杀案。There has been much ado about the need for campaign reform.关于竞选改革的必要性,已有许多无谓的争论。We need to bring to an end these needless deaths.我们必须终止这些无谓的死亡。The movie has been criticized for its mindless violence.这部影片由于其无谓的暴力而遭到批评。UN soldiers continue to be killed for nothing.联合国士兵继续遭到无谓的杀戮。Letters poured in complaining about the gratuitous violence on the show.大量的来信投诉戏中无谓的暴力场面。Let's not take any unnecessary risks.我们不要无谓冒险。French conversation is not a matter of inane comments on the weather.法国人之间的谈话决非评论天气的无谓客套。The public was shocked by the senselessness of the crime.公众对这起无谓的罪案感到震惊。There was growing opposition to the war and its senseless waste of life.反对战争和无谓地牺牲生命的呼声日益高涨。All decent people should be sickened by such a pointless waste of life.凡正派的人都会厌恶这样无谓地浪费生命。I hope this latest attack will make people think twice about mindless violence towards ethnic minorities.我希望这最近一次的袭击会让大家对用无谓的暴力攻击少数民族的行为作出郑重的思考。Chemicals were pointlessly poisoning the soil.化学品在无谓地污染着土壤。She decided it was pointless trying to work while her mind was on other things.她想清楚了,当自己心思在别的事情上时想要工作是无谓的。How could you jeopardize your career so senselessly?你怎能如此无谓地危害自己的事业?The manager decided that discretion was the better part of valour.经理决定不作无谓的冒险。There's no point in exchanging gratuitous insults with them.与他们无谓对骂没意思。He would rather have a decent death which served some purpose than a meaningless death.他宁愿死得其所,也不想无谓地死去。




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