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例句 Despite the newly rediscovered friendship, there's no doubt that more difficulties lie ahead.尽管最近重新恢复了友好关系,但接下来无疑会面临更多的困难。The material is patently offensive as measured by the standards for the broadcast medium.按照广播媒体的标准,这样的素材无疑令人反感。The benefits would surely far outweigh the risks.利益无疑会远远大于风险。There is something undeniably conjectural about such claims.这种断言中无疑有些推测的成分。A car with tires in this condition is simply a death trap.车胎状况这么糟糕的汽车无疑就是个死亡陷阱。Kramer has certainly won the respect of his peers.克莱默无疑赢得了同侪的尊敬。The combination of sex and treachery proved a copper-bottomed circulation booster.事实证明,性和背叛的话题结合起来无疑大大增加了发行量。The story was certainly a favourite one, but it was undoubtedly pure invention.这个故事当然特别受欢迎,但它无疑纯属虚构。These excesses will undoubtedly redound to their country's disfavour.这些极端行为无疑将加深对他们国家的危害。He was a firm believer in the power of prayer.他对祷告的力量笃信无疑A referendum showed beyond doubt that voters wanted independence.全民公决无疑显示选民支持独立。Smoking undoubtedly ages the skin.吸烟无疑会使皮肤老化。England have definitely been the weaker side, but I think they've still got one or two cards up their sleeve.英格兰队无疑处于弱势,不过我觉得他们还有一两张王牌未打出来。I found myself skipping these passages, though no doubt many readers will slaver over them.我发现自己跳过了这些章节,尽管有许多读者无疑会为这些描写兴奋不已。In times of financial stringency it is clear that public expenditure has to be closely scrutinized.财政紧缩时期,无疑要对公共支出进行严格审查。He is certainly being smiled on by fortune.无疑在走红运。She lived in a rambling Victorian house that had certainly seen better days.她住在一幢布局凌乱的维多利亚时代的房子里,无疑,那房子曾经辉煌一时。Paul was someone who certainly had a puritan streak in him.保罗身上无疑带有清教徒气质。The film was an undoubted success.那部电影无疑很成功。Egg pasta is certainly preferred by many chefs.许多厨师无疑更喜欢鸡蛋意大利面。The news made him positively giddy.这个消息无疑让他欣喜若狂。An explanation is clearly called for.无疑需要一个解释。The company's problems, in this regard, are certainly not unique.从这方面来讲,这些问题无疑不是公司所独有的。By far the most important issue for them is unemployment.对他们来说最重要的无疑就是失业问题。The economic situation is certainly improving, although widespread unemployment suggests the reverse.经济形势无疑在好转,尽管广泛的失业现象说明情况正好相反。There's no doubt Mr Putin's speech caught the mood of most deputies.无疑,普金先生的讲话充分反映了大多数代表的心情。Shaun says he has definitely been discriminated against because he's black.肖恩说,他因为是黑人而无疑受到了歧视。The criticism of his latest movie is sure to exasperate his admirers.那些对他最新影片的指责无疑会激怒他的仰慕者。If she is to be found guilty, the charges against her must be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.如果要判她有罪,必须要证明对她的控告是确切无疑的。The movie certainly provides the audience with some visceral thrills.这部电影无疑使观众从内心感到激动。Foreigners unfailingly fall in love with the place.外国人无疑会爱上这个地方。No doubt his old mother would now swallow her pride and go and live with Gladys.如今无疑他的老母亲只能放下身价,去和格拉迪斯住在一起。His abrupt retort clearly made an impact.他出其不意的反驳无疑产生了效果。No doubt someone had pulled a fast one on her over a procedural matter.无疑有人在程序性问题上骗了她。Their family was certainly well regarded at court.他们家族在宫廷中无疑颇受敬重。The authors no doubt overstated their case with a view to catching the public's attention.这些作者无疑夸大了实情以吸引公众的注意力。We certainly have our share of problems at the moment.我们眼下无疑有很多问题。They had guessed for a cert where he was.他们已确切无疑地推测到他的下落。She certainly holds some interesting views.无疑持有一些很有意思的观点。She was only here for a few months, but she certainly left her mark.她在这里只有几个月,但是她无疑留下了重大的影响。




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