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词汇 three times
例句 He was nearly three times over the drink drive limit.他超过醉酒驾驶规定标准快三倍了。He was struck down three times on the ring.他被三次击倒在拳击台上。The shop has been turned over three times in the last year.这家店去年三次遭劫。I've washed the tablecloth three times, but I can't seem to shift these stains.我把桌布洗过三次,但好像洗不掉这些污迹。Jack aced the club pro three times.杰克3次发球赢那位俱乐部职业选手3分。He has been operated on three times.他已经做了三次手术。The post will involve you travelling to Germany about three times a year.这个职位需要你一年去德国出差三次左右。To win gold three times would be an amazing achievement.三次赢得金牌将是了不起的成就。Hartridge lied on his jury questionnaire by omitting the fact that he has been sued three times.哈特里奇在陪审员调查问卷中撒了谎,隐瞒了自己曾三次被指控的事实。Nelson Piquet, three times world champion, was grievously injured.三度获得世界冠军的尼尔森·皮奎特受了重伤。Durham had garnered three times as many votes as Carey.德拉姆获得的选票是凯里的三倍。Such was the delight of the audience that Foote was encored three times.观众太高兴了,富特被要求加演了三次。He was late for school three times in succession.他连续三次上学迟到。My foot swelled up to three times the normal size when it was stung by a wasp.被黄蜂蜇了以后,我的脚肿成了原来的三倍。On Sundays, the family went three times to chapel.每到星期天,这家人就去做三次礼拜。She exercises two or three times a week.她每周做两三次运动。And last but not least, he must review what he has studied at least three times.最后也是相当重要的就是,他必须把念过的书至少复习三遍。The magician rapped the hat three times with his wand, said “hocus-pocus” and a rabbit appeared.魔术师用魔杖轻敲了三下帽子,口中念念有词,一只兔子就变出来了。It would be a good idea if you could do this exercise twice or three times on separate days.如果你能将此练习隔几天做上两三次就好了。He's been capped three times for England.他三次入选英格兰队。The rent for my house has hiked up three times.我的房租已长过三次价了。I had to explain it to him three times, but finally the penny dropped. 我不得不向他解释了三遍,最后他终于明白了。Huw works out in the gym two or three times a week.休每周在健身房锻炼两三次。Things are bad in York - some people's houses have been flooded three times.约克镇的情况很糟糕,有些人家里被淹了三次。The cost could easily be three times that amount.成本多半会是那个数目的三倍。I had to explain it to him three times but he finally twigged.我不得不给他解释了三遍,最后他总算明白了。It's now a month since we bought the car and it's broken down three times already.这辆车我们买了才一个月,已经坏过三次了。He won the race three times on the trot. 他一连三次在这个比赛中获胜。The prisoners subsisted on one mug of the worst quality porridge three times a day.犯人们每日三餐靠一碗稀粥度日。In a typical pop song the chorus is repeated three times.在典型的流行歌曲中,副歌会重复三次。Some poor suckers had paid more than three times what they should have for the tickets.一些可怜的受骗者以多于三倍的价钱买了票。She read the preface through three times.她把序言从头到尾看了三遍。There were three times as many girls as boys.女孩人数是男孩的三倍。Her heart stopped three times, but they brought her back.她的心脏三次停止跳动,但是他们都把她救活了。The old fisherman cast his net into the river three times every morning.老渔翁每天早晨向河中撒三次网。He walks the dog at least three times a day.他每天至少遛三次狗。In the last six years, Carol has moved three times.过去六年时间里,卡罗尔搬了三次家。If you apply this unguent to the affected areas three times a day, your skin irritation will cure very fast.如果你将软膏每日涂抹于患处三次,你的皮肤炎很快就会好。I'd go on vacation three times a year too, if I had his dough!我一年也会去度三次假,如果我有他那么多钱的话!Smokers have a three times greater risk of developing heart disease.吸烟者患心脏病的风险是其他人的三倍。




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