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词汇 colds
例句 She kept getting thumping colds.她不断得重感冒。He is very susceptible to colds. 他很容易感冒。Mother doctored us for colds and stomachaches.我们伤风了或是肚子痛了,都是由母亲治疗的。School children often communicate colds to each other.学童们常互相传染感冒。Summer colds are a terrible curse.夏天患感冒是一件相当糟糕的事情。Catching colds is unfortunately an occupational hazard in this profession.不幸的是,容易感冒是这个行业的职业性风险。People say it can cure colds, but I'm a skeptic.人们说它能治感冒,我有些怀疑。I catch colds frequently because my resistance is low.我经常得感冒,因为我抵抗力差。Keeping dry is a prevention against colds.保持干燥可以预防感冒。We're going to go home and nurse our colds.我们打算回家调养感冒。They are both very cheerful in spite of their colds.他们俩虽然感冒了,可都兴高采烈的。Smokers had the highest incidence of colds.吸烟者患感冒的比率最高。Coughs and colds are frequent among young children.小孩子常患咳嗽和感冒。Minor illnesses such as colds are usually best left to get better by themselves.像感冒这种小病一般最好让它自己好起来。There is no sovereign remedy for colds.伤风感冒没有灵丹妙药。Most colds clear up after a few days.多数感冒几天以后就会痊愈。Summer colds are a terrible curse.夏季感冒是极其糟糕的事。Health food stores promote all manner of herbs to prevent colds.保健食品商店推广各种预防感冒的药草。Mother doctors us for ordinary colds and stomachaches.一般的伤风和肚子痛由母亲给我们治疗。He communicated colds to the rest of his family.他把感冒传染给了家人。You need to build up your resistance to colds.你需要增强对感冒的抵抗力。People say it can cure colds, but I'm a bit of a sceptic.人们说它能治感冒,我有些怀疑。I don't take any drugs whatsoever, except aspirin for colds.我什么药都不吃,除了感冒时吃阿司匹林。The medicine was supposed to cure all kinds of ailments, ranging from colds to back pains.这种药被认为会治愈各种疾病,如感冒、背痛等等。Eating oranges keeps colds at bay.吃橘子可以预防感冒。Onions are good for warding off colds.洋葱有助于防止伤风。Babies have milder colds than older members of the family.婴儿的感冒比家里的年长者要轻一些。Many severe colds undermined the old man's health.多次严重的感冒损害了老人的健康。




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