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词汇 旗子
例句 Hospital staff were outside to welcome him, waving flags and applauding.医院的工作人员都在外面一边挥动旗子一边鼓掌欢迎他。When lowering the flag from a half-mast position, it should first be briefly raised to the peak, then be lowered ceremoniously.从半旗位置降下旗子的时候,应该先将旗子短暂升至顶部,然后再按仪式降旗。She tied on the flag and ran it up the mast.她把旗子系上,顺杆升起。Brightly colored flags hang down from the ceiling.色彩鲜艳的旗子挂在天花板上。With a wave of the flag, the cars raced away.旗子一挥,汽车就冲了出去。The flag was held the wrong way up by some spectators.一些观众把旗子拿倒了。Tom waited until he saw the flag.汤姆一直等到看见旗子Officials hung the flag upside down. You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.官员们把旗子挂倒了。气氛紧张得让人透不过气来。From the ship's mast a flag snaps in the fresh breeze.船桅上旗子在劲风中啪嗒飘动。He had unmistakably been waving his flag to attract the referee's attention.他显然一直在挥舞旗子吸引主裁判的注意。Flags flapped in the breeze above their tents.微风中,旗子在他们帐篷上方飘动。They put up the flag in the morning and take it down at night.他们早上把旗子升上去,晚上降下来。Flags were flapping/fluttering in the breeze.旗子在和风中飘扬。People applauded and waved flags.人们鼓掌加油,并挥舞旗子Flags sold by street vendors fluttered in the crowd of about 5,000.街头小贩卖出的旗子在五千人左右的人群中飘扬。The sold lots are marked with pennons.已经售出了的地块用旗子标了出来。The flag was red, with a large white circle in the center.旗子是红色的,中央有个白色大圆圈。Thousands of people carried banners and flags.成千上万的人举着横幅标语和旗子The pillar was wreathed in flags.柱子四周都插上了旗子The flag was barred in red and white.旗子缀有红白双色条纹。Thousands streamed past carrying banners.数千举着旗子的人从旁边经过。He consented to the removal of the flags.他同意撤掉旗子The flag was whipping in the strong wind.旗子在大风中剧烈抖动。The flag ruffled in the breeze.旗子在微风中飘动。The flags were hanging out of every window.每个窗口都挂着旗子The streets are decked out with flags and streamers.街道装饰着旗子和横幅。Outside, the flags slumped in the windless air.户外,一面面旗子在无风的空气中一动不动地下垂着。We raised the flag to the top of the pole.我们把旗子升到了旗杆顶端。The street was decked with flags for the royal wedding.为了庆祝皇家婚礼,人们用旗子装饰街道。The crowd lifted the man with the flag shoulder-high.人群将拿着旗子的人举过肩膀。Demonstrators burned flags outside the embassy.示威者在大使馆外焚烧旗子A sailor began signalling with two flags.一名水手开始用两面旗子打信号。The flag was flying over the fort.那面旗子飘扬在堡垒上方。Nothing to be heard but the soft flap of a silk banner.万籁俱寂,只有一面绸制旗子轻轻飘动的响声。The referee waved his flag.裁判挥起了旗子The camera zoomed out to show a child holding the flag.摄影机拉远,可见一个举着旗子的小孩。




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