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词汇 旋转
例句 Galileo proposed the heliocentric theory that the Earth goes around the sun.伽利略提出了日心说理论,认为地球围绕着太阳旋转Alexis suddenly could take no more: he felt too hot, he couldn't breathe, the room swam.亚历克西斯突然觉得受不了了,他感到闷热,喘不上气,仿佛整间屋子在旋转The jet rolled into a dive.喷气式飞机旋转俯冲。The dancers gyrated wildly to the beat of the music.舞者随着音乐的节奏疯狂地旋转起舞。The woman began to gyrate to the music.这位女子开始随着音乐旋转It slowly spun for three complete turns.它慢慢地旋转了三整圈。The kite twisted and twirled in the wind.风筝在风中盘绕旋转She saw a mass of bodies whirling around on the dance floor.她看到一大群人的身影在舞池里旋转A small motor revolves the wheels.一台小马达驱动著轮子旋转The room swam before my eyes.房间在我眼前旋转Their bodily gyrations and contortions fascinated him.他们身体的旋转和扭曲使他看得入迷。My sister can spin on her toes like a dancer.我妹妹能像舞者一样踮著脚尖旋转The engine turned a propeller.发动机使螺旋桨旋转起来。She turned with a swish of her skirt.她转身时裙摆也跟着旋转飘起。Tornadoes usually form when rising warm, moist air rotates, as winds from opposite directions collide.两股相对的气流相撞,上升的暖湿气流发生旋转,通常就会形成龙卷风。The room reeled before my eyes and I became unconscious.房间在我眼前旋转,接著我便失去了知觉。On the ice rink skaters spun dreamily round to the strains of a Viennese waltz.冰场上,溜冰者随着一支维也纳华尔兹的旋律如梦似幻地旋转Each of the couples, after the convolutions and evolutions, successively whirls round in a circle, till all are in motion.在回旋和动作变换都做完后,围成圆形的每对舞伴相继旋转直到所有舞伴都旋转起来。The buoyancy of solar-heated air rising up the chimney spins a turbine and generates electricity.日光晒热的空气沿烟囱升起,产生向上推力,推动涡轮旋转发电。In the heart of the Anatolian steppe, dervishes still whirl on festive occasions in mystic union with God.在安纳托利亚大草原的深处,与真主神秘会合的庆祝场合中仍然会有托钵僧旋转起舞的身影。They are whirled round in huge machines to get them used to the forces they will experience in space flight.他们被放入巨大的机器中旋转,以使他们适应在航天飞行中将经受的各种力。We spun the top and watched it turn around in circles.我们把陀螺转动起来,看着它一圈圈地旋转She pivots gracefully on the stage.她在舞台上优雅地旋转Tinker makes the tight turns look easy.廷克使高难度的旋转看起来很容易。The colorful whirl of the dancers was beautiful to watch.舞蹈者多彩多姿的旋转令人赏心悦目。The skater twirled around and around.滑冰的人一圈又一圈地旋转A disco ball revolved slowly over the empty dance floor.在空荡荡的舞池上方,一个迪斯科转球在慢慢地旋转The dancers pivoted on their toes and changed direction.舞蹈演员们踮起脚旋转,变换方向。He jinked left, then right, throwing the plane into steep and sudden turns.他突然向左转,然后向右转,使飞机猛地陡直旋转起来。The software allows you to rotate images.这款软件能让你旋转图像。The earth rotates from west to east.地球从西向东旋转Prince continued his enthusiastic gyrations on stage.王子继续在舞台上充满激情地旋转When the fan goes around it forces the warm air back down.风扇旋转起来时使得热空气后退了。The bomber was gyring and diving.轰炸机在作旋转俯冲。Most shredding machines are based on a revolving disc fitted with replaceable blades.大多数粉碎机都是基于一个装有可替换刀片的旋转圆盘来实现作业的。With a roar of laughter, he lifted her off her feet and swung her round.他一声大笑,把她抱起来旋转She suddenly raised her arms and spun, so the dress's full skirt fanned out in a bright circle.她突然举起双臂旋转起来,连衣裙的裙身呈圆形完全展开,明艳照人。The area is one of the world’s five major ocean gyres – huge systems of rotating currents. 这一区域是世界上五大海洋环流之一:巨大的海水旋转流动系统。The room seemed to be turning around, and I felt very nauseous.房间似乎在旋转,我觉得恶心极了。The couples whirled round the dance floor.对对舞伴在舞池里旋转起舞。




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