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词汇 旅程
例句 The last stop in Mr Cook's lengthy tour was Paris.库克先生漫长旅程中的最后一站是巴黎。After having breakfast and packing our bags, we sallied forth on the next leg of our trip.我们吃过早餐、打好背包后,就开始了下一段的旅程Refugees cross the rugged San Ysidro mountains, and it is always a perilous trip.难民们翻越崎岖难行的圣伊西德罗山,那从来都是个危险旅程Driving across the country would be a long haul.驾车横跨这个国家将是一段漫长的旅程I guess we're stuck with each other for the duration (of the journey).我想(旅程结束之前)这段时间我们两个要一直呆在一起。This map was designed so that distances by road are easily calculable.这幅地图的设计使陆路旅程很容易计算出来。It is such a long trip.这是一次十分漫长的旅程By then it was October and we were more than halfway through our tour.那时是十月份,我们的旅程已经过了大半。It was quite a fast journey.这是一次很快就结束了的旅程For some insane reason he decided to do the whole journey in one day.由于某种荒谬的原因,他决定仅用一天时间完成整个旅程The journey will take you through some beautiful scenery.旅程将带你领略一些漂亮的风景。As the journey drew on, he started to feel tired.旅程将尽,他开始感到累了。We had a long journey ahead of us.我们前面的旅程还很长。Our next journey was longer and much more eventful.我们接下来的那次旅程时间更长,更加丰富多彩。Reading on the train makes the journey go more quickly.在火车上看书可以使旅程过得更快。They are looking for other Dixie highlights to add to their trip inventory.他们在寻找在美国南部各州中还有哪些胜地可以使他们的旅程内容更加丰富。The whole trip went very smoothly.整个旅程十分顺利。Within hours, she was free to resume her journey westward.几小时以后她便抽出身来重新开始西行的旅程The journey will entail changing trains twice.这趟旅程必须转两次火车。The expenses you claim can vary enormously, depending on travel distances involved.申领的费用可能相差很大,要看旅程的长短而定。Should any harm befall me on my journey, you may open this letter.万一我这趟旅程有什么不测,你就打开这封信。He wondered what awaited him at the end of his journey.他不知道旅程终了时他将遭遇到什么。The journey includes a two-day stopover in Miami before flying on to Mexico.旅程包括在迈阿密逗留两天,然后再飞往墨西哥。The Koots are making their anxiously awaited return tour to Australia.库特一家已踏上了迫不及待返回澳大利亚的旅程The journey takes about an hour, sometimes even longer.这个旅程要花一个小时,有时甚至更长。She traveled throughout Europe and eventually fetched up in Italy.她遍游欧洲各地,最终在意大利结束旅程We will continue on our journey in the morning. = Our journey will continue in the morning.早上我们将继续我们的旅程Our trip was smooth and uneventful.我们的旅程安安稳稳、一帆风顺。The ride was over in an instant.旅程一转眼就结束了。The journey was scary, but he learned a lot.这趟旅程很可怕,但是他学到了很多。Our furniture survived the long journey more or less intact.我们的家具经过这次长途旅程,基本上没受到损坏。The President's stay in the German capital was the undisputed climax of his trip.毫无疑问,总统在德国首都的逗留是他整个旅程的高潮。We want all our members to undertake this trip responsibly, with their eyes open.我们希望所有成员都能够负责地开始这次旅程,做到心中有数。We had a horrific journey, but we lived to tell the tale.这段旅程太恐怖了,但我们终于熬了过来。The journey seemed endless.旅程仿佛是无穷无尽的。We began our eastward journey at dawn.黎明时分我们开始了向东的旅程It was time to start the long walk back home.现在该开始我们漫长的回家旅程了。The journey took two days by stagecoach.这段旅程乘驿马车走了两天。It was a painfully slow journey.那是一次慢得让人难受的旅程The diversion added another hour to our journey.改道使我们的旅程又增加了一小时。




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