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She watched with complete detachment as the others made all the preparations.其他人都在做准备,她完全置身事外地旁观。Onlookers left the pavement and fell in alongside the marching demonstrators.旁观的人离开人行道,加入游行示威的队伍。Onlookers jeered and screamed abuse.旁观的人群讥讽嘲弄,大骂脏话。Johnson sat out the game with a shoulder injury.约翰逊有肩伤,只能旁观比赛。People looked on in silence.人们默默地旁观。The onlookers stepped back to make way for the ambulance to pass.旁观的人往后退了退,让救护车开过去。Everyone just stood there and watched. Nobody helped me.所有人都只是站在那儿旁观。没有人帮我。She blew a kiss to the onlookers.她向旁观人群送飞吻。I prefer to stand on the sidelines and watch.我宁肯当局外人旁观。I looked on powerlessly.我只能无能为力地旁观。This is no time for sitting on the sidelines – our government must get involved.这不是坐着旁观的时候,我们的政府必须介入。There were lots of people watching, and not one of them offered to help.站着旁观的有许多人,却没有一个人主动帮忙。 |