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词汇 方向盘
例句 He grabbed the steering wheel from her to prevent the car going off the road.他从她手中夺过方向盘,以避免汽车驶离道路。He drove straight through the storm, never loosening his death grip on the steering wheel.他驾车径直冲进暴风雨中,双手死死握住方向盘The steering on this car is a little stiff.这车的方向盘不太灵活。We couldn't get the steering wheel unstuck.我们无法转动卡住的方向盘The steering wheel hub remains stationary whilst the steering wheel revolves around it.方向盘毂固定不动,而方向盘绕其转动。America might sell more cars to the islands if they were made with the steering wheel on the right.如果制造的汽车方向盘是装在右边的,美国可能会在这些岛屿卖出更多的汽车。He cranked the steering wheel quickly to the left.他迅速把方向盘转向左边。It's difficult to steer and change / shift gear at the same time.很难一面操作方向盘一面换挡。He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on, emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other.尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。Steer slightly to the right as you enter the bend.进入弯道时把方向盘稍稍向右转。He beat his hands on the steering wheel in frustration.他沮丧地用手敲打着方向盘He lay slumped over the steering wheel.他瘫倒在方向盘上。She swerved to avoid an obstacle in the road.她急打方向盘,以避开路上的障碍物。He sat immobile at the wheel, staring straight ahead.他一动不动地坐在方向盘后,两眼直视前方。Roy took his hands off the steering wheel.罗伊将手从方向盘上挪开了。There is also a new steering wheel with an energy-absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。Keep your hands on the wheel!手不要离开方向盘The transmission allows the driver to shift gears by using buttons on the steering wheel.这个变速器便于司机通过方向盘上的按钮换挡。The steering wheel can tilt downward.方向盘可以向下倾斜。Maggie tapped impatiently on the steering wheel and inched slowly forward.麦琪不耐烦地敲打着方向盘,缓慢地向前移动。As he began to relax, his grip on the steering wheel slackened.他开始放松下来,方向盘握得也不那么紧了。Although the car was stationary, his hands were still gripping the wheel.尽管车已经停了,但他的双手还是紧紧握着方向盘You can adjust the height of the steering wheel.你可以调整方向盘的高低。In the event of a collision, the airbag stops the driver of the car from hitting his or her chest on the steering wheel.如果发生碰撞事故,安全气囊会防止司机的胸部撞到方向盘上。Use a steering-wheel lock for your car.给你的汽车上一把方向盘防盗锁吧。His fingers curled tightly around the steering wheel.他的手指紧紧把住方向盘She slumped dejectedly over the wheel.她沮丧地趴在方向盘上。The driver of the car was found slumped over the steering wheel unconscious.这辆车的司机被发现瘫倒在方向盘上,失去了意识。He changes into a maniac when he gets behind the steering wheel.他一坐到方向盘后面就变成一个疯子。There is also a new steering wheel with an energy absorbing rim to cushion the driver's head in the worst impacts.还配有轮缘部分具有减震功能的新型方向盘,以在受到严重撞击时保护司机的头部。The driver was slumped over the wheel.司机一头栽在方向盘上。She is hunched forward over the wheel with a maniacal expression.她弓身伏在方向盘前,神情像疯了一样。His hand was resting lazily against the steering wheel.他的手懒散地搭在方向盘上。They found him slumped over the wheel of his car.他们发现他垂头趴在他的汽车方向盘上。She swerved to avoid a bicycle.她猛打方向盘以免撞上一辆自行车。He saw the driver slumped over the wheel.他看见司机一头栽在了方向盘上。He was holding the steering wheel with his knees.他用双膝顶住方向盘Suddenly Ned swerved the truck, narrowly missing a blond teenager on a skateboard.内德驾驶的卡车差点撞到一个滑滑板的金发少年,他猛打方向盘才躲了过去。This car's steering is extremely responsive.这辆车的方向盘非常灵活。An additional power switch for the radio is handily located next to the steering wheel.方向盘旁边顺手的位置加装了一个收音机电源开关。




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