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词汇 coherent
例句 History could be defined as a coherent account of an event.历史可以被定义为是对历史事件的清晰论述。He has failed to work out a coherent strategy for modernising the service.他未能制定出一条连贯的策略来实现服务的现代化。He couldn't give a coherent account of what he'd been doing that night.他说不清楚那天晚上他在干什么。They were never a coherent group.他们从来就不是一个目标一致的团体。I was so confused that I could not give a coherent answer.我糊涂得很,回答问题语无伦次。Can you look back and see a well-defined path, or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure?.回顾过去时能看到一条清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?This book fails to present her story in a coherent manner.这本书未能连贯地讲述她的故事。He proposed the most coherent plan to improve the schools.他提出的改善学校状况的方案最为清楚明白。You're not being very coherent.你的话前后不太一致。The list of offences is detailed, heavily footnoted, but also clear and coherent.列出的各项罪行不仅详尽、有大量注释说明,而且清晰、有条理。Rescuers found Campbell, who was conscious and coherent.营救队员找到了坎贝尔,他还是清醒的,而且思路清晰。He sounded coherent, but he was too ill to have any idea what he was saying.他的话听起来条理清楚,但他病得很重,不知道自己在说些什么。They are able to function as a coherent group/team.他们是一个齐心协力工作的团队。He's so calm when he answers questions in interviews. I wish I could be that coherent.他在面试中回答问题时非常从容镇静。我希望自己也能那样条理清晰。He tried to fit the pieces of evidence together to make a coherent whole.他试图将各项证据拼合成一个连贯的整体。His book contains a coherent argument in favour of economic change.他在书中提出了支持经济改革的论点,讲得很有条理。He sounded barely coherent on the phone.他在电话里听起来几乎话不成句。The excited woman was not very coherent on the telephone.那个情绪激动的女人在电话里有点语无伦次。The movie lacks a coherent story.这部影片缺乏连贯的故事情节。He appeared hardly capable of conducting a coherent conversation.他好像连话都说不清楚。The drunk man was not coherent. 那个醉汉都说不清楚话了。The state is not a unified and internally coherent entity.该国不是一个统一的、内部团结的实体。This book offers no coherent narrative of the American Civil War.这本书并没有对美国内战进行连贯的叙述。His book lacks any coherent structure.他的书缺乏连贯的结构。It aims to fuse the body, mind and spirit into a naturally coherent whole.它旨在将身体、精神和灵魂融合为一个浑然天成的整体。The President's policy is perfectly coherent.总统的政策环环相扣,浑然一体。She was finding it hard to string together a coherent argument.她发现很难理出一个有条理的论据来。There is no coherent strategy for educating children with autism.没有一套统一的策略来教育患自闭症的孩子。A coherent strategy for getting more people back to work needs to be developed.需要制定一项连贯的策略,以使更多的人重新就业。She was struggling to organize her ideas into a coherent whole.她尽力将自己的想法组织成一个连贯的整体。The three years of the course are planned as a coherent whole.这三年的课程在规划上是连贯的。He marvelled that a man in such intense pain could be so coherent.一个男人在如此剧痛下还能这般条理清晰,对此他赞叹不已。They seem to have no coherent plan for saving the company.他们似乎没有一个协调一致的挽救公司的计划。Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate, the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.由于缺乏系统的政策,共和党只得依靠标语口号和空洞的词藻来说服选民。He was so upset, he was incapable of coherent thought.他心烦意乱,无法有条理地思考问题。Little attempt was made to integrate the parts into a coherent whole.在把各个部分结合成一个连贯的整体方面几乎未作任何尝试。The party's policies were based on prejudice rather than on any coherent ideology.该党政策的基础是偏见,而不是什么连贯的思想。The writer presents this complex character as a coherent whole.作者把这个复杂的人物刻画成一个完整紧凑的个体。




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