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词汇 新成员
例句 We need to bring in some new blood and fresh ideas.我们需要增添一些新成员和新观念。What we need here is some fresh blood with new ideas.我们这儿所需要的是具有新观念的新成员Our music club needs new recruits.我们的音乐俱乐部需要新成员The new recruits failed to gel as a team.新成员没有融为一个团队。We must recruit new members to survive.要生存下去,我们必须招募新成员The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.俱乐部成员的确同意修改吸纳新成员的政策。The club is having great difficulty attracting new members.这个俱乐部目前在吸引新成员方面遇到很大困难。The acceptance of new members is strictly controlled.新成员的吸纳受到严格的限制。Mark Kennedy is the new boy in the government.马克‧肯尼迪是政府中的新成员What we need here is some new blood with new ideas.我们这儿所需要的是具有新观念的新成员She tried to gain recruits for the party.她试图为该党吸收新成员She's one of the department's new recruits.她是这个部门的新成员之一。New members are warmly welcomed.新成员受到了热烈的欢迎。He is a recent joiner to the club.他是俱乐部的新成员She's responsible for training new recruits.她负责训练新成员He's been authorized to co-opt anyone he wants to join him.他被授权接收任何他中意的人为新成员New members have been leaning on Senate leaders to make some changes.新成员一直在向参议院领袖施加压力,要求作些改变。It was an open meeting, where members socialized and welcomed any new members.这是一次开放式的会议,在此成员们相互交流,并欢迎新成员的加入。The police force introduced a new advertising campaign, in an attempt to bring more recruits in from ethnic minorities.警察部门推行了一个新的广告宣传活动,试图从少数民族中招收新成员The two new members had the same name, which made things confusing.两位新成员名字一样,把人都搞糊涂了。Fernandez studied the socioeconomic backgrounds of new recruits.费尔南德斯研究了新成员的社会经济背景。Most new members of the Philharmonic are head-hunted from the local conservatoire.交响乐团里大部分新成员都是从当地音乐学院挖过来的。The club members did agree to modify their recruitment policy.俱乐部成员确实同意修改他们招收新成员的政策。They filled/met their quota for new members. 他们接收新成员的名额已满。The Association gives a free handbook to all new members.协会给新成员人手一本免费手册。New members receive coupons for complimentary services.新成员可得到免费服务券。The new recruits will be initiated tomorrow night.接纳这些新成员的仪式将于明晚举行。She will be quite an acquisition to the club.她将成为这个俱乐部不可多得的新成员He introduced me as a new member of the company.他把我这个公司新成员向大家介绍了一下。Every year, the group appoints three new members.这个组织每年指定三名新成员The club will induct six new members this year.俱乐部今年将吸收六名新成员The club will hold a social evening to welcome new members.俱乐部将举行联欢晚会来欢迎新成员




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